The respect of human rights is about conducting business in the right way, upholding our standards and living our values. It is about respecting the rights of our people, our clients, our suppliers and their workers, and the community.
The respect of human rights is important to us as a firm as it underpins trust in our relationships, the way we do business and our reputation. More broadly, the respect of human rights is part of what helps drive a civil, fair and just society.
We support and respect internationally recognised human rights in line with the principles and guidance of the UN Global Compact, the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the core conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs).
We have undertaken a human rights review, informed by the UNGPs Reporting Framework. This has helped us consider our respect of human rights and identify the ones most salient to our activities and key stakeholders. These rights include:
- Right to life (safeguarding health, wellbeing and the environment);
- Right to privacy (management of confidential and personal data);
- Right to non-discrimination (equal opportunities and fair treatment for all);
- Right to an adequate standard of living (living wage, fair financial transactions and economic contributions); and
- Right to education (no child labour, social mobility, training and development).
Modern Slavery
In addition to our five most salient rights we recognise the ‘Right to be free from slavery and forced labour’ as a priority. Our Modern Slavery Statement details how we respect this right.
You may refer to our most recent Modern Slavery Statement, our Human Rights Policy and our Responsible Procurement Policy here:
Previous Modern Slavery Statements can be viewed here: