Public M&A Update: Takeover Code Amendments (May 2023)

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Following the conclusion of relevant consultations by the Code Committee, various amendments to the Takeover Code took effect on 22 May 2023 which include:
A summary of the key amendments and a note on the Panel’s ongoing consultation on proposed changes to Rule 21 (Frustrating Action) is set out below.
Competitive Bid Situations
The amendments clarify the Panel’s approach to competitive bids involving one / more schemes of arrangement especially where regulatory clearances remain outstanding. See Response Statement 2022/3 for the background to the changes.
Note 2 to Rule 32.5 has been amended to confirm:
Miscellaneous Amendments
Certain miscellaneous amendments to the Takeover Code have also been made , including in relation to derogations and waivers). See Response Statement 2022/4 for the background to these changes.
Derogations and Waivers
The Takeover Code has been amended to give the Panel greater flexibility to grant derogations or waivers from the requirements of the Takeover Code in exceptional circumstances (e.g. to facilitate the rescue of a target in serious financial difficulty).
Note 3 on Dispensations from Rule 9 (Mandatory Offers) has been amended to remove certain limitations on the Panel's flexibility to waive the requirements of Rule 9 in the case of a rescue operation to save a target.
Rumour and speculation / untoward share price movement caused by a clear public statement
Note 2 to Rule 2.2, which provides that the Panel will not usually require an announcement under Rule 2.2(d) if it is satisfied that a price movement results from a clear public statement, has been deleted.
Adjusted bid price under Note 3 to Rule 9.5
Note 3 to Rule 9.5 has been amended to provide that where the mandatory bid price is adjusted under Rule 9.5(c), the price payable by a bidder must be 'appropriate' rather than 'fair and reasonable'.
Target board recommendations
A new Rule 25.2(c) expressly requires a target board to make a recommendation to shareholders on an offer (and any alternative offer). The Panel confirmed that although target boards usually include a recommendation on the offer, it is important that shareholders are also provided with a target board recommendation on the action that shareholders should take in respect of an offer (or any alternative offer).
Example recommendation language has been included in Appendix C to Response Statement 2022/4.
A similar amendment has also been made to Rule 15.2 requiring a target board to recommend the action that holders of convertible securities should take on a relevant proposal.
Irrevocable undertakings and letters of intent
Rules 2.10 and 26 have been amended to accelerate the time by which an irrevocable undertaking or letter of intent obtained prior to a Rule 2.7 firm offer announcement must be published. Such undertakings / letters must now be published:
Effective Date
These amendments apply to all Takeover Code governed companies and/or transactions from 22 May 2023 – including any ongoing transactions which started before this date.
What is next?
On 15 May 2023 the Panel published its Public Consultation Paper 2023/1 setting out proposed amendments to Rule 21 (Frustrating Action) – the Rule which restricts a target board from taking certain actions without shareholder approval where those actions might result in an offer being frustrated.
In summary the proposals involve: