Pause to new grid connection applications takes effect

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As part of the ongoing grid connection reform process, the National Energy System Operator (NESO) has paused the acceptance of new grid connection applications. This impacts both transmission and many distribution connections, with exceptions only for “limited and critical” variations which are necessary, such as for the purposes of safety and security of the network.
Understandably, the impending reform process has prompted many additional new applications and ModApps from customers seeking to be included within the Gate 2 to Whole Queue assessment process. To be considered in the Gate 2 to Whole Queue process, customers will need to be in a signed position with their connection offers ahead of the implementation of CMP435. The pause is seen by NESO as a necessary step to enable it to allocate sufficient resource to implementing the proposed connection regime reforms. It will be in place until Ofgem’s approval (or rejection) of the proposed reforms later this year (currently expected by no later than 31 May 2025).
The pause in accepting new grid connection applications occurs from 29 January 2025 (with the last date for applications being 28 January 2025), with the existing transitional offer process now only applying to new directly connected demand projects. If the project involves both generation and demand, then the application will be subject to the pause. NESO and the Transmission Operators (TOs) will try to “clock start” applications submitted before the 29 January but all applications will need to be clock started by 12 February 2025 for them to be processed in time for inclusion in the Gate 2 to Whole Queue process. “Clock start” has been defined by NESO in its recent guidance as the later of (i) the date on which the application & Data Registration Code data submission is deemed technically competent, and (ii) the date the application fee is paid. Clock start signifies the start of the 3-month offer period prescribed in the Connection and Use of System Code. Clearly those who have submitted applications before 29 January will be keen to ensure that the clock start process is not held up for reasons outside their control and NESO clock starts their application prior to the 12 February 2025 deadline.
New directly connected demand only applications can continue to be made until 21 March 2025 but will be subject to the transitional arrangements (i.e. any offers will lack specificity on the connection solution and costs). In addition, any such applications will also need to be clock started by 4 April 2025 in order to be processed prior to the re-opening of the first new application window post implementation of the proposed grid reforms.
Significantly, the pause affects Mod Apps as well as wholly new applications, BELLA and BEGA applications and Project Progressions. We know this will impact many parties who have been exploring the potential to adapt existing connection offers prior to the implementation of the reforms.
Customers can continue to submit distribution connection applications to DNOs (and IDNOs) during the pause period, who will continue to process these applications, but will not pass on distribution connections to NESO and the TOs for transmission impact assessments and Project Progressions from 29 January 2025. NESO anticipates opening the first new application window for all new transmission applications and modification applications in Q4 2025.
We are helping a number of clients manage challenges created by the ongoing grid connection reforms. If you need any assistance please contact one of the team.