Regulation and compliance


In our regulation and compliance hub you will find our SRA details, information about our entities, policies and statements.

As a regulated law firm we are required to display this badge on our website by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority (SRA). You can click the badge to see what this means for you.

Please note that any tracking information being collected by the SRA’s nominated third party who provide this service, is outside of our control and is therefore done without obtaining your consent.

Learn more about the SRA


Burges Salmon LLP has a number of subsidiary and associated entities. The details of these entities, including Burges Salmon LLP, can be found in this section.

Please note that no Burges Salmon entity accepts service of any documents by fax or email unless it has expressly agreed in writing to do so.

Burges Salmon LLP (trading as ‘Burges Salmon’) is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales (registration number OC307212). A list of the members may be inspected at its registered address, One Glass Wharf, Bristol, BS2 0ZX It is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA number 401114), whose regulatory requirements can be accessed at the following website: SRA | SRA Standards and Regulations | Solicitors Regulation Authority. It is also authorised as a multi-national practice by the Law Society of Scotland (Rules and guidance | Law Society of Scotland). Burges Salmon LLP’s professional indemnity insurer is Travelers Insurance Company (30 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 3BD). The territorial coverage of the insurance policy is worldwide.

The following entities are subsidiaries of Burges Salmon LLP:

  • BS Pensions Trustees Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales (registration number 2682277). It is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA number 75314). A list of the directors may be inspected at the company’s registered address, One Glass Wharf, Bristol, BS2 0ZX.
  • Burges Salmon Trustees Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales (registration number 4066209). It is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA number 333652). A list of the directors may be inspected at the company’s registered address, One Glass Wharf, Bristol, BS2 0ZX.
  • Quayseco Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales (registration number 2287256). It is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA number 408887). A list of the directors may be inspected at the company’s registered address, One Glass Wharf, Bristol, BS2 0ZX.
  • Burges Salmon IP Ireland Limited is a limited company registered in the Republic of Ireland (registration number 680701). It is not authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority or another approved regulator. The registered address of Burges Salmon IP Ireland Limited is The Greenway, 112-114 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2, D02 TD28, Ireland.

Burges Salmon (Northern Ireland) Limited is a limited company, affiliated with Burges Salmon LLP, registered in Northern Ireland (registration number N1611307). A list of the directors may be inspected at its registered address, Forsyth House, Cromac Square, Belfast, BT2 8LA. Burges Salmon (Northern Ireland) Limited is authorised and regulated by the Law Society of Northern Ireland (The Law Society of Northern Ireland).



Information security and data protection standards

Burges Salmon prioritises the security and integrity of our operations, people and client data. We expect our suppliers to adhere to the highest standards of security and assurance. This includes implementing robust cybersecurity measures, conducting regular security audits, and ensuring compliance with applicable data protection legislation and all other relevant legal and regulatory requirements.

Suppliers must also provide evidence of their data protection and security protocols and be prepared to undergo periodic assessments to verify their adherence to these standards.

Working with suppliers

We understand the critical role of positive supplier relationships in maintaining excellence and shared reputations and we’re committed to fostering positive, productive, and professional supplier relationships.

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Frauds and scams

Information on potential frauds and scams involving the firm or our peoples’ names and how to get in touch with us if you receive a communication purporting to be from Burges Salmon and you are in any doubt about whether or not it is genuine.

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Details of our complaints handling procedure

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SRA pricing transparency

Our pricing and service information for the following areas:

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