Energy projects are, by their nature, often complex undertakings. They frequently involve new and innovative technologies, significant investment, and also a high degree of interface between multiple parties - who will sometimes have different, and even competing, interests. This means they are often incredibly interesting and dynamic, but also may be exposed to a variety of risks and challenges which can adversely impact project viability and success.

This is where effective risk management becomes crucial. By identifying risks and implementing tailored strategies, you can boost project resilience, put in place mitigation measures, and optimize returns on your investment. 

Our Energy Disputes Guide draws on expertise and specialists from throughout our firm to look at energy projects holistically, across their entire lifecycle, providing risk mitigation strategies for project inception, construction, operation and close, and drawing on experience from real life case studies.

It is essential reading for anyone involved with energy projects. We hope you find it a valuable tool.

Download your copy of Energy Disputes Guide: Managing risk and avoiding disputes in your energy project

Key contact

Richard Adams

Richard Adams Partner

  • Construction and Engineering
  • Construction Disputes
  • Energy and Utilities Disputes

Risk Rewired: The Energy Disputes podcast

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