
The challenge

The UK energy environment is complex. It is moving quickly, with constantly evolving regulation and policy. Decarbonisation will require adaptation throughout the entire energy system, with a fundamental requirement for a cross-sector collaborative approach to driving progress. 

The transition to achieving the UK’s Net Zero target will be built upon a combination of factors including technology innovation, infrastructure development as well as changes in human behaviour and consumption patterns.

How we can help

We have worked in the energy sector for many years. Having developed and grown as the sector has evolved, our award-winning lawyers work across the sector to deliver innovative, bespoke, and effective client solutions. We support projects across the full range of decarbonisation technologies from renewable energy, to waste as a resource and nuclear power. We also support the oil and gas sector on the energy transition.

Our breadth of experience is wide-ranging and we support projects from inception to completion. We provide clients with end-to-end expertise across all phases including financing, development, set-up, buying and selling. We are involved in an extensive range of technologies associated with energy covering heat, electricity generation and energy efficiency. This includes hydrogen, solar, wind (offshore and onshore), hydro, wave, tidal and geothermal. Our expertise enables us to apply learnings to innovative projects in new technology areas. 

We are deeply embedded in the industry and sit on some of the UK’s leading energy regulatory bodies, which supports our understanding of the latest energy regulation and available financial mechanisms. This expertise and knowledge of emerging trends, regulation and technologies allows us to support clients to structure their projects, helping them identify pitfalls before they occur ensuring they are adequately future-proofed. 

We offer unique market-leading expertise and experience in the four key sectors that will need to work together if the UK is to meet its Net Zero ambitions: these are Transport, Energy, Land & Food and the Built Environment. This enables us to facilitate cross-sector introductions and helps our clients understand the policies and drivers faced by the organisations in less familiar sectors. 

What we do

  • Renewable energy projects – wind, solar, wave, tidal, geothermal, hydro, 
  • Oil and gas transition
  • Carbon capture and storage projects
  • Nuclear (including SMRs and fusion) projects
  • Waste to energy and fuel technology projects
  • Electricity storage (battery, hydrogen and pumped)
  • District heating and renewable heat solutions
  • Energy efficiency/ energy as a service contracts 
  • Hydrogen projects
  • Routes to market contracts
  • Grid arrangements and private wire strategies
  • Site assembly and consenting of Net Zero projects
  • Project finance
  • Energy regulation
  • Community energy and ownership

Our partnerships

We are well connected and sit on a range of important industry groups. This enables us to play a central role in discussions around the latest regulation and policy, positioning us well to help us clients understand what this means for them. 

We participate in a number of industry bodies including:


Advising Blue Gem Wind on all aspects of its 96MW floating wind demonstration project, Erebus.

Advising Bristol City Council in respect of the City Leap Energy Partnership, a transformative and innovative project to procure a strategic partner to develop, construct and own a number of energy and infrastructure opportunities to facilitate the council’s ambition of Bristol being a carbon neutral city by 2030.

Advising Progressive Energy and Cadent on the flagship Hynet North West Carbon Capture and Storage and hydrogen cluster project in relation to CO2 aspects and pipelines as well as other participants in all Government led CCUS commercialisation competitions to date.

Principal legal adviser to the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, assisting it with its mission to research and develop fusion energy and associated technologies.

Advising M&S on the award winning community energy scheme, M&S Energy Society, which involves the purchase by M&S of renewable electricity generated by solar panels installed on its stores across the UK, with the generating infrastructure being financed by members of community energy organisation Energy4All.

Advising the developer of a plant which will convert local NHS hospital clinical waste into clean energy.

Advising developers, local authorities, funders and customers on low carbon heat networks and solutions.

Advising a global private equity investor on the regulation of F-gas and the potential regulatory environment for refrigerant gases in a low-GHG-emission future.

Advising a large wealth management fund on mandatory carbon reporting and regulatory compliance.

Acting for one of the UK's largest retailers to establish a purchasing agreement for the trading of green gas certificates.

Meet the team
Ross Fairley

Ross Fairley Partner

  • Energy and Utilities
  • Head of Renewable Energy
  • Environment
Michael Barlow

Michael Barlow Partner

  • Head of Environment
  • Head of Water
  • Head of ESG
Nick Churchward

Nick Churchward Partner

  • Head of Resource and Waste Management
  • Projects
  • Energy and Utilities
James Phillips

James Phillips Partner

  • Head of Energy & Utilities
  • Head of Energy Transition
  • Energy Regulation
Camilla Usher-Clark

Camilla Usher-Clark Partner

  • Corporate
  • Energy and Utilities
  • Co-operatives
Victoria Allsopp

Victoria Allsopp Partner

  • Banking and Finance
  • Renewables
  • Energy, Power and Utilities
Ian Salter

Ian Salter Partner

  • Head of Nuclear
  • Head of Projects
  • Environment

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