
Our planning lawyers are nationally-recognised for our expertise and the quality of work we undertake. We deliver planning law advice to the public and private sectors, across the UK, through the whole development process, from consenting strategy to legal challenge.

We understand that planning law can be complex and difficult to navigate. We combine legal expertise with in-depth knowledge across a range of industry sectors to secure the right outcomes for our clients.

We advise on issues, which sit alongside the planning process, integral to development proposals such as infrastructure agreements, highways and compulsory purchase. We are market-leaders in consenting nationally significant infrastructure projects (NSIPs). Our planning lawyers collaborate closely with our real estate team on regeneration projects and property development; and with our environment and energy teams on renewable and nuclear proposals.

We are committed to shaping the future of planning law; we speak at national events, lead workshops and webinars, and are actively involved in industry bodies, including NIPA, CPA and the Renewable Energy Association.

Areas of focus

Our Planning law expertise includes the following:

  • Consenting strategy.
  • Planning applications, including Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) and community engagement.
  • Negotiating and drafting planning obligations for landowners, developers, local authorities and funders.
  • Planning appeals, including advocacy at public inquiries and hearings.
  • Interpretation of planning permissions and conditions, and advice on safeguarding planning consents.
  • Enforcement issues and certificates of lawful use.
  • Site assembly including compulsory purchase, acquisition/extinguishment of rights and advice on compensation, including Lands Tribunal advocacy.
  • Judicial Review and statutory appeals to the High Court in respect of planning and compulsory purchase matters.
  • Major infrastructure applications, including NSIPs.
  • Town and village green (TVG) and common land applications and proceedings.
  • Biodiversity Net Gain and habitat banks.
  • Highways and public rights of way, including creation, diversion and extinguishment.
  • Advice on heritage issues, including listed buildings.
  • Advice on local authority issues, such as powers, procedures and policies.

Advising Redrow Homes in respect of its proposal for a 7,000-house garden city North West of Cardiff.

Acting for the Vale of White Horse District Council on section 106 agreements relating to new urban extensions at Grove Airfield (2,500 homes) and Crab Hill (1,500 homes).

Providing legal support to Isle of Anglesey Council on all aspects of the proposed new nuclear power station at Wylfa and other applications for major energy projects and related developments, including overall strategy, planning applications, governance, community benefit and compulsory purchase.

Acting for Hawksworth PLC, promoter of large scale leisure-led regeneration scheme in Peterborough City centre, including strategic advice on scheme delivery, compulsory purchase and an application for permission for judicial review of a competing scheme.

Representing a developer at a conjoined inquiry relating to five s36 consents and a s37 consent under the Electricity Act 1989 for onshore wind farms and an overhead electric line in Mid Wales.

Advising Bristol City Council, North Somerset Council and Pembrokeshire County Council on the promotion of compulsory purchase orders (CPOs) and side road orders for road schemes in the South West and South Wales.

Advising the Canal & River Trust on their objection to a compulsory purchase order (CPO) being promoted for a 3,750 home mixed-use scheme in London, including associated negotiations and compensation.

Acting for promoters of energy and transport NSIPs including Highways England (A19/A1058 and M20 schemes), RWE (Triton Knoll grid connection and Galloper offshore wind farm), Vattenfall (Kentish Flats offshore wind farm extension) and DONG (Hornsea offshore wind farm).

Acting for Seagreen (SSE/Fluor JV) to obtain the consents from the for offshore wind farms Alpha and Bravo in Scotland's Firth of Forth zone.

Advising a promoter of a tidal array project on their application for a 200MW project.

Meet the team
Gary Soloman

Gary Soloman Partner

  • Head of Planning and Compulsory Purchase
  • Regeneration and Highways
  • Compulsory Purchase and Compensation
Patrick Robinson

Patrick Robinson Consultant

  • Energy and Utilities
  • Infrastructure
  • Planning and Compulsory Purchase
Elizabeth Dunn

Elizabeth Dunn Partner

  • Energy and Utilities
  • Infrastructure
  • Real Estate
Julian Boswall

Julian Boswall Partner

  • Energy and Utilities
  • Infrastructure
  • Planning and Compulsory Purchase
Sarah Sutherland 250x250px dpi originals

Sarah Sutherland Practice Development Lawyer

  • Planning and Compulsory Purchase

What others say...

Top nationally rated individuals working in a regional setting offering excellent value to clients. Real depth and experience in planning, compulsory purchase and compensation, regeneration projects. Personal feel and attentive client care skills gives a boutique touch to the team.
Legal 500 2023

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