Our specialist lawyers have considerable experience in drafting and negotiating a wide range of section 106 legal agreements. We act for local planning authorities, developers, landowners, mortgagees and Registered Social Landlords. We also provide advice on the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations and their inter-relationship with section 106 obligations.
Our lawyers provide expert advice on planning issues within infrastructure agreements, devising unique solutions to ensure delivery. We help our clients with strategic decisions in the context of section 106 obligations, as well as drafting and negotiating significant section 106 legal agreements many of which require a novel approach. We also negotiate complex infrastructure agreements for our local authority and developer clients across the UK.
Our team has expertise in large scale developments such as residential led mixed use, highway and energy schemes, including complex infrastructure agreements. Patrick Robinson and Thomson Reuters produced a masterclass seminar about community benefit in planning decisions, available on the Thomson Reuters website.
Areas of focus
We have particular expertise with section 106 Agreements and Infrastructure agreements including the following:
- Drafting planning agreements.
- Negotiating planning obligations for local authority clients, for developers and landowners.
- Devising unique and strategic solutions to ensure delivery.
- Advising in relation to Community Infrastructure Levy requirements.