14 May 2024

Let’s face it – it’s rare to find a person who doesn’t enjoy a little moan from time to time. Go into any sandwich shop at lunchtime and you’ll be greeted by the underlying murmur of work-related grumbles as people pick up their chicken salad wraps.

So far so usual, except… we’re noticing a post-pandemic change in behaviour whereby these old-school micro-grumbles, which once would have stayed in the sandwich shop, are now escalating into full-blown workplace grievances. 

It is right, of course, that an employee with a legitimate workplace grievance is able to pursue a complaint through an appropriate channel. However, if, as an employer, you are having to deal with a growing number of grievances, it will be important to understand your options for managing them to help keep time and costs in check.

If you are spending increasing amounts of time on grievances or want to learn more about effective grievance management, why not come along to our in-person panel event to pick up some top tips? As well as hearing from our team, there will be plenty of opportunity for audience discussion and for you to share your views and experiences.

What will we cover?

We will start with a quick overview of the legal framework and key considerations to be aware of when dealing with a grievance.

Our panel will then discuss how to approach some of the most common issues which cross our desk when advising on grievances including:

  1. How to deal with the ‘snowballing’ grievance, including a grievance about a grievance;
  2. What to do where an employee, who is subject to disciplinary proceedings, raises a grievance;
  3. How to manage grievance(s) against a new manager who has different performance expectations than the team is used to.

The floor is then yours…

The last part of the session will be reserved for you to share experiences and practical tips with your fellow guests as well as to ask the panel any remaining questions you might have.

We would then be delighted if you would join us for drinks and nibbles.

We are happy to answer questions on the day but if you have a question you would like to send us in advance to put to the panel please email kate.redshaw@burges-salmon.com.

Event details

Date: London: Wednesday, 3 July 2024 / Bristol: Thursday 3 October 2024

Venue: Burges Salmon, 6 New Street Square, London EC4A 3BF / Burges Salmon, One Glass Wharf, Bristol,

Registration and tea/coffee:
4.30pm - 5.00pm 

Event starts: 5.00pm

Event finishes: 6.15pm

Drinks and nibbles:
6.15pm - 7.30pm

Audience: This seminar is designed for in-house lawyers, human resources professionals and managers and those with responsibility for HR matters within their organisation

Cost: Free of charge

Key contact

Kate Redshaw

Kate Redshaw Head of Practice Development

  • Employment Training
  • Employment
  • Equality and Diversity