On the 27th of September 2023, the GFI Hive hosted the eighth and final in a series of Investment Readiness webinars that focus on UK nature-based project developers’ experiences in designing projects that can attract private finance to deliver nature positive outcomes.
This webinar focuses on Milestone 8, ‘Establish Legal Contracts and Closing', with an overview of what this entails, and a panel of project developers who share their insight and experiences on this Milestone.
The panel includes:
- Sarah Brownlie, Head of Development at Wilder Carbon
- Glenn Anderson, Project Lead at Wendling Beck
- Ross Fairley, Partner at Burges Salmon LLP
The Panel was hosted by Phoebe Tucker, Nature Associate at the Green Finance Institute.
The Investment Readiness Toolkit, which outlines the full journey of development for nature-based projects in the UK, launched in December 2022 and can be found at Investment Readiness Toolkit (greenfinanceinstitute.com)
You can watch the full webinar below.