Hello and welcome to Risk Rewired – The Energy Disputes Podcast. I’m Richard Adams, a partner in the Construction & Engineering team here at Burges Salmon, and we are delighted to be launching our new podcast on Wednesday 22nd May, focusing on risk mitigation and resolution of energy disputes.

In this fortnightly podcast, we’ll be speaking to industry professionals and experts from our Energy Disputes team who will be providing us with invaluable insights and solutions to help you manage risk and navigate any energy disputes that may arise. So, if you are interested in developing, constructing, managing, operating or advising on energy projects, this is the podcast for you!

Our first episode will focus on the key issues arising in negotiation on energy projects and provide a view from those holding the pen on energy project transactions as to the key issues that frequently arise in commercial discussions and where most time is spent drafting solutions to minimise risk.

Risk Rewired is available at Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen to your podcasts, subscribe now so you don’t miss out.

And if you can’t wait until the 22nd for your first energy disputes insights, visit our website now and download our Energy Disputes Guide considering risk across an energy project lifecycle.