Whether your interest is in waste treatment and processing plant, energy from waste, the advanced combustion technologies, biomass or anaerobic digestion, we hope our guide will have something for you.
The availability of financial support for certain fuelled renewables projects and the development of waste policy in the UK means that there has been (and remains) significant interest from the funding and development communities in these technologies. We've also witnessed the transition of traditional waste businesses into energy generators and resource managers. As a result, the UK is home to a significant number of operational waste processing and fuelled renewables plants.
This has created a landscape in which there continues to be opportunities for value creation and realisation as assets are more efficiently operated, financed and packaged. With this in mind, in our guide you'll find the views of our sector experts on some of the key issues to consider when operating facilities or preparing for a disposal, acquisition or refinancing.
- Introduction: Maximising value of operational waste and fuelled renewables projects.
- Health and Safety obligations and liability.
- Ensuring environmental compliance.
- Working with your lenders and preparing for refinancing.
- Project restructuring and dealing with financial distress.
- Plant commissioning, construction completion and operational management.
- Project leases – ongoing compliance with your real estate obligations.
- Planning conditions and obligations.
- Corporate structuring and streamlining corporate reporting.
- Information management and Due Diligence.
- Key contacts.