19 November 2021

Welcome to Burges Salmon’s Pensions Law Summary on Notifiable Events.

Our pensions law summaries aim to simplify complicated topics in pensions law and provide practical steps for employers and trustees. These summaries cover a range of topics including GMP equalisation, master trusts and GDPR.

Our team are experts in all areas of pensions law and can assist you with any issues or questions you may have on this topic.

The notifiable events regime is intended to identify risks relating to scheme funding, employer solvency or the employer covenant. Sponsoring employers and trustees of Pension Protection Fund (“PPF”) eligible schemes have a statutory duty to notify the Pensions Regulator of certain events relating to the scheme or the employer. This provides an early warning system to the Pensions Regulator (“TPR”) to protect calls on the PPF. We explore the reporting requirements of employers and trustees, the consequences of failing to report events and the upcoming expansions to the regime.

Click the button below to read the full summary.


Key contact

Alice Honeywill

Alice Honeywill Partner

  • Pensions Services
  • Public Sector Pension Schemes
  • Life and Pensions