Showing 1189-1200 of 2163 results

MiFID II: target market identification

What are product manufacturers’ and distributors’ obligations in relation to target market identification?
19 October 2017

Government announces plans for new carbon and energy reporting regime

A look at the government's consultation on the future of corporate reporting on emissions and energy usage after the end of the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme.
19 October 2017

MiFID II – investment research rules

Time is running out for you to put arrangements in place to pay for third party research. Are you ready for the new rules on inducements in MiFID II?
18 October 2017

How does the government propose to plan for the right homes in the right places?

The 'Planning for the right homes in the right places' consultation closes on 9 November. Here are the headlines for developers, landowners and local authorities.
17 October 2017

Town or village green applications: how many times can a defective application be amended?

Village green applications pose catastrophic risk to development sites. The courts have recently ruled that applicants can repeatedly correct defective applications well past the application deadline.
17 October 2017

Do you have enough information to bring your procurement claim in time?

Unsuccessful bidders face the challenge of deciding on limited information whether to bring a procurement claim under time pressure. Specific disclosure may not be the answer.
12 October 2017

How to mitigate risk for large-scale infrastructure projects

Large-scale infrastructure projects present huge procurement challenges. Contracting parties can mitigate risk through careful contract drafting and negotiations.
12 October 2017

Planning enforcement action: are stricter controls being imposed?

If planning permission is not obtained (intentionally or as an oversight), the local planning authority can take enforcement action. The most commonly used power is a planning enforcement notice.
10 October 2017

UK government introduces Data Protection Bill to Parliament – what are the key changes?

The government has published its Data Protection Bill. The Bill will prepare the UK’s laws for the digital age and give citizens more control over their privacy. We look at the key changes.
06 October 2017

Pension scheme investment: ESG factors and the new role of member engagement

The Law Commission's report highlights the ever greater role of environmental, social and governance factors in investment. Trustees will increasingly need to engage with members on these issues.
06 October 2017

Financing battery storage projects: what are the key considerations?

We outline the key factors for borrowers and lenders to consider when financing battery storage projects, based on our experience working on one of the first UK battery storage project financings.
04 October 2017

What is a professional trustee? The Pensions Regulator has clarified its definition

The Pensions Regulator expects more of professional trustees than of their lay colleagues and is likely to impose heavier sanctions for underperformance. It matters which side of the line you stand.
03 October 2017

The Burges Salmon blog

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