Showing 1513-1524 of 2165 results

Insurance Act 2015 – a fair presentation of the risk

This briefing looks at a policyholder's duty under the Insurance Act 2015 to make a 'fair presentation of the risk' to insurers when obtaining insurance and what is required for the reasonable search.
05 October 2016

TalkTalk issued record ICO fine

The ICO has fined TalkTalk £400,000 for its failure to take appropriate measures against the unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data, contrary to the Data Protection Act 1998.
05 October 2016

The corporate offence of failure to prevent economic crime

Thomas Webb considers the implications of the proposed new corporate offence of "failure to prevent economic crime".
04 October 2016

CCS replaces the PQQ with the Selection Questionnaire

This briefing highlights the key aspects of the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) new Selection Questionnaire, a replacement of the CCS’ standard Pre-Qualification Questionnaire. 
04 October 2016

Changing the way termination payments are taxed

HMRC publishes its proposals for the 'Simplification of the tax and National Insurance treatment of termination payments: government response and consultation on draft legislation'.
03 October 2016

Raising the Standard: ISO standard for anti-bribery controls

This briefing looks at the draft standard and how it may help in being able to demonstrate “adequate procedures” under the Bribery Act 2010.
30 September 2016

HMRC ordered to suspend penalty for inaccuracy in tax return

In Eric Eastman v HMRC [2016] the First Tier Tribunal ruled that HMRC was unreasonable to refuse to suspend a penalty for a careless inaccuracy in a taxpayer's self-assessment return.
29 September 2016

Little change in rules for Pension Protection Fund levy 2017/18

The PPF proposes minor change to the levy rules for 2017/18. Meanwhile, as it warned, it is looking more closely at the value of contingent assets and may now reject some it recognised in the past.
29 September 2016

Construction contract drafting in a post-Brexit world: change of law clauses

Brexit sent shockwaves through the construction sector. Now the dust has settled we look at how change of law clauses may be drafted and negotiated differently.
28 September 2016

The Project Bank Account: permanent fixture or passing trend?

During economic uncertainty, the construction industry (and government) often looks for ways to alleviate common payment problems on projects. Are Project Bank Accounts part of the answer?
28 September 2016

Does the Thames Tideway Tunnel show the way for post-Brexit infrastructure funding?

Brexit raised concerns about the future funding of infrastructure. We consider whether the innovative Thames Tideway Tunnel funding model shows the way for the delivery of other projects.
28 September 2016

Costs in adjudication: can you recover using the Late Payment Act?

Does the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 provide a way of claiming costs in adjudication? The recent case of Lulu v Mulalley has reignited debate.
28 September 2016

The Burges Salmon blog

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