Showing 1765-1776 of 2219 results

Government response: EU Utilities and Concessions Directives Consultation & Implementation

The Cabinet Office has published its response to the consultations on the draft Utilities Contracts Regulations 2016 and Concessions Contracts Regulations 2016 which were published last summer.
05 February 2016

ESOS: Are you non-compliant? Have you received a notice? What to do now…

If you are covered by the Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) and have missed the deadline of 29 January 2016 you should expect enforcement action by the regulator in the near future.
03 February 2016

What makes cross-border VAT arrangements abusive?

This recent case provides guidance on when cross-border VAT arrangements will be considered "abusive".
02 February 2016

FCA Policy Statement 16/2 on the Implementation of the UCITS V Directive

UCITS managers will be interested to note that the FCA has today published its final rules and guidance implementing UCITS V, PS16/2 on the Implementation of the UCITS V Directive.
02 February 2016

Senior Managers and Certification Regime: General Counsel and Heads of Legal in the frame?

Hot on the heels of our previous SM&CR update, we bring you further news on this topic, specifically in relation to individuals with overall responsibility for a firm’s legal function.
02 February 2016

Fintech Horizons - February 2016

In this issue: the FCA’s consultation on proposed guidance on cloud and other IT outsourcing; internationally mobile employees; the FCA consults on RegTech
01 February 2016

Employment Edit – what's new in employment law

Welcome to Employment Edit: this fortnight's updates relate to race discrimination, personal messages at work, zero hours contracts and data protection.
14 January 2016

Flix Innovations Ltd v HMRC: EIS conditions strictly applied

The Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) can provide very significant tax relief for investors in unlisted companies but a recent case shows how strictly the rules of the Scheme are interpreted.
05 January 2016

French Education Property Trust Limited v HMRC: VAT on building independent schools

This case in the First-Tier Tribunal concerned whether the letting of school premises to an independent school and the running of this school were business purposes under VAT law.
05 January 2016

Employment Edit – what's new in employment law

Linking pay to length of service does not indirectly discriminate against a Muslim prison chaplain; the draft National Minimum Wage (Amendment) Regulations 2016; and more...
17 December 2015

DECC announcements on FIT and RO changes published

DECC has published its responses to its consultations on proposed changes to the Feed-in Tariff (FIT) and also to ongoing Renewables Obligation (RO) support for solar PV projects of 5MW and below.
17 December 2015

Burgess v HM Revenue & Customs/Brimheath Developments Ltd v HM Revenue & Customs [2015]

In the recent case of Burgess v HM Revenue and Customs [2015] the Upper Tribunal (UT) considered what HMRC needs to prove in order for a discovery assessment raised by it on a taxpayer to be valid.
11 December 2015

The Burges Salmon blog

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