Showing 1765-1776 of 2165 results

Affordable Housing Exemptions and Vacant Building Credit Quashed

A High Court decision has led to provisions introduced in the National Planning Policy Guidance in late 2014 relating to affordable housing exemptions and vacant building credit being quashed.
07 August 2015

Supreme Court upholds planning permission despite breach of EIA Regulations

In R  v. North Norfolk District Council , the Supreme Court laid down clear guidance for circumstances where judicial relief may be refused even where procedural irregularity has been established.
05 August 2015

The pitfalls of abiding by LLP Agreements in Investment Fund Partnerships

A dispute over a member’s continued membership of an Investment Fund LLP has highlighted the difficulties in managing individuals and the business where LLP agreements are involved.
04 August 2015

Employment Edit – what's new in employment law

Current £30,000 exemption on termination payments may be subject to change; The Modern Slavery and Supply Chains Government Response has now been published; and more... 
30 July 2015

Your Will can be ignored say judges

This was one of the headlines following the latest, but perhaps not the last, judgment in the long running case of Ilott v Mitson.
28 July 2015

What are the court’s powers to order sale of land from one joint owner to another?

When property (land) belongs to more than one person and disagreements emerge about what to do with it, what can beneficiaries and trustees ask the court to do?
27 July 2015

Employment Edit – what's new in employment law

The government has issued a Consultation Paper asking for views on how to implement its commitment to require employers with 250+ employees to publish gender pay information; and more…
16 July 2015

Enterprise Investment Scheme: don’t expect Human Rights support, be sure to make a claim

The First Tier Tribunal found that a taxpayer who did not claim EIS income tax relief exemption was consequently unable later to claim the much more valuable CGT exemption when his shares were sold.
15 July 2015

Resolving conflicting jurisdictional clauses in connected agreements

Difficulties can arise when parties enter into two (or more) separate contracts in which governing law and governing jurisdiction clauses conflict.
14 July 2015

ORR publishes the emerging findings from its Retail Market Review

The 'Office of Rail and Road' published the emerging findings from its review of the rail retail market on 23 June 2015. 
07 July 2015

Employment Edit – what's new in employment law

Voluntary overtime worked on a sufficiently regular basis can be included in holiday pay calculations; the two year cap on unlawful deductions claims came into force in Great Britain; and more…
02 July 2015

Discrimination settlement did not amount to employment earnings

An employer's payment to an ex-employee pursuant to a compromise agreement, in full and final settlement of a potential race discrimination claim, does not amount to taxable earnings.
01 July 2015

The Burges Salmon blog

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