Showing 1813-1824 of 2165 results

If you want to terminate, follow the contractual requirements

The case of Ticket2Final v Wigan Athletic highlights the need to comply fully with notice provisions when attempting to terminate a contract.
19 March 2015

Wyatt v Vince: First bite of the cherry?

Will the Supreme Court’s decision in Wyatt v Vince see fewer parties attain ‘closure’ at the end of a divorce? 
13 March 2015

Employment Edit – what's new in employment law

Gender pay data reporting; a helpful EAT decision for employers in relation to disability discrimination; the Fit for Work referral service roll out; and more…
12 March 2015

Employers to publish gender pay gap data

UK employers with 250 or more employees will have to publish gender pay data now that the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act has become law.
12 March 2015

TOGC treatment denied by Upper Tribunal if a tenant is introduced by the buyer

The Upper Tribunal has dismissed HMRC's appeal against the first tier tribunal's decision in HMRC v Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Healthcare & Coleridge
10 March 2015

FTT ruling reversed as veranda sales for static caravans are zero-rated for VAT

The Upper Tribunal (UT) has found In Colaingrove Limited v HMRC [2015] UKUT that supplies of verandas when sold with static caravans are zero-rated for VAT.
10 March 2015

Employment Edit – what's new in employment law

Land Registry v Houghton automatic disentitlement to a bonus amounted to unfavourable treatment; The Business Secretary has announced a review into the impact of employment tribunal fees; and more…
26 February 2015

A change in the balance of commercial interest requires a public contract to be tendered

Retendering "materially varied" contracts subject to the public procurement regime: what amounts to a material variation following the leading European Case Pressetext?
25 February 2015

No refurbishment rates holidays

Businesses are entitled to a rates holiday if refurbishment means the building is unfit for occupation while works are ongoing. But they might not be successful per a recent Court of Appeal decision.
25 February 2015

High Court holds that Trustees can take into consideration the interests of employers

The High Court has handed down the judgment in one of the most significant pensions cases in the last 12 months.
25 February 2015

You may not be able to enforce liquidated damages, even if they are agreed under contract

The recent decision in MSC Mediterranean Shipping Co SA v Cottonex Anstalt has cast doubt on the ongoing recoverability of liquidated damages following a repudiatory breach of contract.
23 February 2015

New European Commission proposal focusses on product design

The European Commission will propose ambitious new legislation targeting recycling with a greater emphasis on product design, the new Environment Director General revealed in January this year. 
19 February 2015

The Burges Salmon blog

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