Showing 1885-1896 of 2219 results

Duty to collectively consult in redundancy situations

The Woolworths case: Advocate General's opinion issued about the extent of the employer's obligation to collectively consult in redundancy situations.
05 February 2015

Planning obligations – all change from 6 April

Never say never; on 6 April 2015 the key change to the planning system introduced by the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Regulations 2010 will finally take effect.
03 February 2015

Government response to consultation on transposition of EU Procurement Directives

On 30 January 2015 the Cabinet Office published its response to the consultation on the transposition of the new public procurement directives and the draft Public Contracts Regulations 2015.
03 February 2015

Supermarkets face fine of 1% of turnover

The Groceries Code Adjudicator, Christine Tacon, will soon be able to fine those who breach the Groceries Supply Code of Practice. 
03 February 2015

Can Companies House be held liable for errors on the Register of Companies?

What does Sebry v Companies House tell us about the duties of Companies House to register company information correctly?
02 February 2015

Easements, boundaries and “an absurd waste of effort, time and cost”

Where does a boundary run where there is a lane, hedge and ditch between two properties and what rights do the owners of those properties have to use the lane?
28 January 2015

Penalty for employing illegal workers

With the current political spotlight on immigration, employers will want to be particularly careful about the processes that they have in place to avoid employing illegal workers.
26 January 2015

Procurement clarification on material variation and internal public authority awards

In Edenred (UK Group) Ltd v Her Majesty's Treasury, HMRC and NSI The Court ruled in favour of HM Treasury and commented on the area of material variation and direct awards to public sector bodies.
23 January 2015

HMRC found to have made mistakes in almost half of all cases reviewed/appealed in 2013/14

HMRC's Reviews and Appeals - 2013-14 contains statistics showing the outcome of reviews and appeals against HMRC tax decisions for the year 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2014.
22 January 2015

How much can a taxpayer claim for bad tax advice?

When tax advice is misleading or fails to identify an alternative which would involve a lower payment, how much is a taxpayer entitled to be compensated? 
21 January 2015

New withholding tax exemption for private placements

The Government is currently working on plans to introduce a new withholding tax exemption for private placements of unlisted debt securities. 
16 January 2015

Government publishes draft regulations to tackle fuel poverty by 2030

The Warm Homes and Energy Conservation Act 2000 placed an obligation to make Regulations which will have as their objective the improvement of households in fuel poverty by a target date.
15 January 2015

The Burges Salmon blog

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