Showing 2101-2112 of 2167 results

Covanta stops Merseyside Waste entering contract after six year procurement process

An unsuccessful bidder has convinced a court to stop an energy from waste contract while it resolves legal proceedings, potentially delaying the contract for at least a further two years.
10 October 2013

Guilty until proven innocent: Court assumes those without extra income use 'hot' money

In the case of Serious Organised Crime Agency v Turrall, the High Court has taken the view that items of property have been purchased with the proceeds of crime and are, therefore, recoverable.
04 October 2013

High street health – the latest prescription

Think tank Policy Exchange has published a review into the problems besetting the British high street. The report adds to suggestions put forward in the Portas Review and by Bill Grimsey.
03 October 2013

STICS, Strips and Discounting – first round to HMRC

In Savva and others v HMRC, the Tribunal held that the return was taxable, and in so doing considered the meaning of 'discount' and 'security' for relevant tax purposes.
03 October 2013

Holding over – a major risk for tenants as well as landlords

A recent ruling in Barclays Wealth Trustees (Jersey) Ltd v Erimus Housing Ltd [2013] EWHC 2699 dealt us a new concept – that holding over can be a major risk for tenants as well as landlords.
03 October 2013

Can you withdraw permission to use a trade mark?

Handbags? In Martin Y Paz Diffusion SA v David Depuydt, the European Court was asked whether it was possible to withdraw consent given for the concurrent use of a trade mark for leather goods.
03 October 2013

European Court: Are bodies funded by their members are exempt from the procurement regime?

The European Court looks at the boundaries of indirect funding in the context of a professional association for medical professionals in Germany (IVD v Artzekammer).
02 October 2013

HMRC and Alternative Dispute Resolution

From September 2013, HMRC has made available a form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) to small and medium enterprises and individuals as a means of resolving tax disputes.
01 October 2013

UK Fast Track Trade Mark Oppositions go live

Brand owners can use the UK Intellectual Property Office’s new fast track procedure to object to later-filed trade marks.
01 October 2013

The ICO explains encryption and the options available

The ICO has written a short blog post on how encryption of personal data works and some of the available encryption options.
26 September 2013

Recent developments in UK merger control

Burges Salmon competition partner Matthew O’Regan and associate Marc Shrimpling have recently published an article on developments in UK merger control in 2012 and the first half of 2013.
23 September 2013

General Court spots the difference between 'Golden Balls' and 'Ballon D'or'

The General Court of the European Union has annulled the decision of the Community trade marks Office’s Board of Appeal to partially refuse an application to register the trade mark 'Golden Balls'.
20 September 2013

The Burges Salmon blog

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