Showing 433-444 of 2172 results

Stonehenge road tunnel development consent order overturned

Campaigners win High Court judicial review challenge quashing the Secretary of State’s approval of the A303 Stonehenge tunnel
09 September 2021

Energy sector investors beware – the UK national security merger control regime latest developments

The new UK national security and investment regime will cover transactions in the energy sector. We summarise the latest developments and what businesses and investors in the sector need to know
06 September 2021

FCA v Avacade Ltd & others: another shot across the bow for unregulated introducers

With the Court of Appeal confirming the High Court's judgment, we discuss what this means for unregulated introducers
06 September 2021

Construction materials shortage & climate change: trade at loggerheads over timber supply

Timber supplies are experiencing shortages in many global markets – with surging demand, logistics and climate change all said to be contributing. Is this an issue for longer term decarbonisation?
03 September 2021

Distress in the energy sector

We examine the challenges currently facing energy suppliers and discuss what actions the directors of impacted providers should be taking during this period

01 September 2021

Further success for Sky in SkyKick saga, as partial invalidity finding is overturned

The latest twist in the Sky v SkyKick line of cases provides further nuance to the issue of bad faith registrations and offers comfort to trade mark owners
01 September 2021

The UK's post-Brexit data adequacy shake-up

The UK has unveiled ambitious post-Brexit data adequacy plans to remove barriers to international data transfers and drive UK growth and innovation
27 August 2021

Lacking credibility? An expert’s overriding duty to the Upper Tribunal

The case of Heath Colin v London Southend Airport clarifies the obligations of experts when giving evidence to the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber)
27 August 2021

Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) bans Instagram influencers’ ads for disregarding ad rules

Two Instagram influencers’ ads have been banned by the ASA for breaching the ad rules following ASA’s earlier warning to influencers and brands over widespread non-compliance
25 August 2021

The Axminster Twist: Forfeiture, Limitation and Interest

A key case for all trustees which addressed whether claims by members for underpayments were time barred and/or forfeited under the scheme’s rules
20 August 2021

The Williams Shapps Plan for Rail: What is the future for Britain’s stations?

In this article, we consider who'll be responsible for Britain’s stations, what the station environment will look like and how the proposed reforms may deliver for passengers and stimulate investment
16 August 2021

The new UK national security and investment merger control regime – latest developments

We summarise the latest developments relating to the new UK national security and investment merger control regime, which will come into force on 4 January 2022
16 August 2021

The Burges Salmon blog

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