Showing 469-480 of 2163 results

Paying for Grenfell: Consultation on proposed residential property developer tax

In this article we consider the proposed new tax on property developers to contribute towards the cost of replacing unsafe cladding on high-rise residential buildings
19 May 2021

Agents Beware! The Citibank/Revlon case – are there English law implications?

We consider the implications of the Citibank/Revlon payment error case on facility agents in English law governed financings
18 May 2021

Village green risk – Supreme Court confirms threat of 'dual use' scenarios

Town and village green registration is possible on land where there is ongoing commercial use that is compatible with the public’s use
10 May 2021

Offshore Wind – Exploring the advent of Green Hydrogen Power

The fourth of our series on offshore wind looks at the integration of green hydrogen technology and how its advent can shape the future of the sector
06 May 2021

Off-payroll working in the private sector - reforms to IR35 have now come into force

Organisations engaging contractors through PSCs, should be aware that significant reforms to the off-payroll working rules - or IR35 – took effect on 6 April 2021
21 April 2021

Adams v Options in the Court of Appeal: Good and bad news for SIPP providers?

The Court of Appeal judgment, partially allowing Mr Adams’ appeal, has specific practical implications for SIPP providers
20 April 2021

The UK's Fintech Strategic Review Series: National Connectivity

In our final article on the Kalifa Review, we look at how the Government can better support connectivity amongst the top UK fintech clusters
19 April 2021

The UK's Fintech Strategic Review Series: International

How can the UK remain a global leader in Fintech? We consider the Kalifa Review’s recommendations in the fourth article in our series
16 April 2021

Public path diversion orders: court confirms privacy and security can be considered

The Court of Appeal has confirmed that decision-makers may take into account factors beyond those set out in 119(6) of the Highways Act 1980

15 April 2021

The Business Banking Resolution Service – a new option for banks and their customers?

The BBRS provides a new platform for small to medium enterprises (SMEs) to resolve complaints with their banks

13 April 2021

Floating Wind – Challenges and Opportunities for a Buoyant Technology

The third of our series on offshore wind looks at the fast emerging floating wind sector and the innovations presented by its advent 

13 April 2021

The UK's Fintech Strategic Review Series: Investment

Our third article in the Kalifa Review series (the “Review”) looks at the lifeblood of the fintech industry: investment.
12 April 2021

The Burges Salmon blog

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