Showing 793-804 of 2163 results

Consenting for electricity storage – latest proposals

Government is proposing most electricity storage projects are consented by local authorities and not as nationally significant infrastructure projects
24 October 2019

Air quality - a deciding factor in determination of housing developments

Local planning authorities may need to take air quality into account when taking decisions. Developers should properly consider air quality in their proposals and offer effective mitigation if needed
21 October 2019

Public Procurement: Court of Appeal considers Concession Contract Regulations

The Court of Appeal has handed down its judgment in the case of Ocean Outdoor UK Limited v The London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham
18 October 2019

Taxation of loyalty payments - HMRC vs Hargreaves Lansdown Asset Management

The VAT treatment of loyalty schemes has been complicated further by HMRC v Hargreaves Lansdown. We look at the legal issues and practical implications for companies and advisers

17 October 2019

Carbon Capture and Storage rises again

With the announcement of the Government’s Net Zero ambition, Carbon Capture Usage and Storage is now back on the agenda having had a few false dawns
14 October 2019

Developments in the accreditation of professional pension trustees

When the Association of Professional Pension Trustees’ accreditation framework is put in place, professional trustees seeking accreditation will need to act fast to satisfy the requirements
14 October 2019

Scheme funding – where do we stand?

Eighteen months after the White Paper and six months after the Annual Funding Statement, we’re still awaiting the consultations on the revised code of practice – where do employers and trustees stand?
11 October 2019

A bumper year for buy-ins and buy-outs

We share our experience of the busiest 12 month period ever recorded for buy-ins and buy-outs and highlight the key actions for trustees and sponsors considering one within the next five years
09 October 2019

Government publishes No Deal Readiness Report

Guidance from the Government issued on 8 October provides information for providers of human medicines and medical device manufacturers
08 October 2019

ESG requirements after 1 October 2019

As ESG has been growing in prominence, we discuss the requirements occupational pension scheme trustees will need to consider over the next couple of years
07 October 2019

McDonald's 'Mc' mark partially revoked for lack of genuine use

McDonald’s EU trade mark ‘Mc’ was partially revoked following an application made by Irish fast food chain Supermac’s
01 October 2019

ESG factors: Can directors of UK Companies take them into account?

ESG factors have moved into the mainstream. We look at directors’ duties and whether directors can consider ESG factors as part of their duty to promote the success of the company
01 October 2019

The Burges Salmon blog

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