Showing 1057-1068 of 2163 results

Company directors beware: CMA secures its second director disqualification

The Competition and Markets Authority has disqualified two company directors involved in an estate agent price-fixing cartel. We explain why businesses of all sizes need to understand competition law.
25 April 2018

Trade mark case: Birkenstock loses protection for its 'patterned sole' UK trade mark

This case reaffirms the difficulty in defending a sub-brand (or unconventional) trade mark and provides guidance to brand owners on how to evidence acquired distinctiveness.

24 April 2018

Data protection breach: what are the ICO's enforcement powers?

Images of the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) entering and searching Cambridge Analytica's offices recently appeared in the media. We look at what enforcement powers are available to the ICO.
23 April 2018

White paper: protecting defined benefit pension schemes

The most radical proposal is to encourage smaller DB schemes to consolidate into larger units run by commercial consolidators. This would break the insurance mould that has dominated DB to date.

19 April 2018

Low carbon transport: renewable and development fuel opportunities in the UK

The Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO) was amended on 15 April 2018. Our briefing explains some of the main RTFO amendments and explores the opportunities they create.
17 April 2018

UK franchising law: competition and the EU

Franchise agreements raise particular competition issues relating to restrictions on franchisees.  
16 April 2018

Brexit and competition law: an essential summary of key competition and state aid implications

How will state aid and competition law fare after Brexit? This update provides a concise summary on where things currently stand.

16 April 2018

Public procurement: CCS imposes new subcontract requirements

CCS has issued a new procurement policy note requiring central government, executive agencies and NDPBs to include new contract provisions for subcontract advertising and SME spend.
13 April 2018

Heat in buildings: BEIS calls for evidence on future framework

BEIS has called for evidence on 'A future framework for heat in buildings'.

11 April 2018

Compulsory purchase order process: key steps to secure a CPO

An overview of the compulsory purchase order process for acquiring authorities and interested parties. Our timeline sets out the key stages to secure a CPO.
11 April 2018

Trade loss relief: J Beacon v HMRC

J Beacon v HMRC illustrates the standard that must be met to claim trade loss relief.

03 April 2018

Supercar v Revenue and Customs Commissioners: VAT treatment of collision damage waivers

Are collision damage waiver payments classed as insurance for VAT purposes?
29 March 2018

The Burges Salmon blog

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