Showing 193-204 of 726 results


The Bribery Act 2010 - Health Check: Adequate Procedures

The Bribery Act 2010 - Health Check: Adequate Procedures
01 December 2015


Dealing with travellers on commercial premises

The unauthorised and unexpected arrival of travellers can be a problem for landowners and businesses, particularly those with open sites such as car parks or land awaiting development.
27 November 2015


Anson v HMRC: HMRC's response to Supreme Court decision on Double Tax Treaty Relief

HMRC responds to the Supreme Court's decision in Anson v HMRC Commissioners that an individual taxpayer can claim double tax treaty relief on his share of profits in a limited liability company.
27 November 2015


After ParkingEye: When will private parking fines still be unenforceable?

Enforcement companies, transport and retail operators with parking schemes on private land may be interested in a recent Supreme Court decision that held an £85 parking charge was not a penalty.
27 November 2015


Court of Justice of the European Union: Bitcoin exchanges

This briefing discusses the Court of Justice of the European Union's ruling in Skatteverket v David Hedqvist C-264/14 concerning currency exchange for 'Bitcoin' or vice versa (exempt from VAT).
26 November 2015


DC pensions: draft Code of Practice

The Regulator’s new Draft DC Code is half of the current version and no longer refers to 'DC quality features'. Instead it sets standards of conduct and practice that trustee boards should follow.
26 November 2015


FAMR and automated advice

HM Treasury and the Financial Conduct Authority jointly launched the Financial Advice Market Review to understand how financial advice could work better for consumers. We recall the key points.
26 November 2015


Contaminated Land – True or False?

This briefing concentrates on Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990, the cost and time impact for parties involved and answers to questions that highlight common misconceptions.
26 November 2015


Water Law and Regulation webinar

In this webinar, we provide an update on competition and regulation issues relevant to water law and water companies.
25 November 2015


Determining and Mitigating ‘Material Risk’

The recent decision in C-T Aviation Solutions Limited v Regina (Health and Safety Executive) sets out guidance on material risks and when an organisation should implement control measures.
25 November 2015


In House Lawyer article - November 2015

This article highlights recent regulatory developments targeting the balance between allowing the shale gas industry to develop in a timely way and ensuring that there is robust regulation.
19 November 2015


New Standard Forms for Public Procurement Notices

The European Commission recently published a set of new and revised standard forms for publishing public procurement notices.
19 November 2015

The Burges Salmon blog

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