Showing 637-648 of 722 results


VAT and fund management costs

In future, employers might be able to recover VAT on the cost of investment management services for their occupational pension schemes. The next step is for HMRC to say how it will change its stance.
25 September 2013


Quaystone newsletter ; October 2013

This month our Construction and Engineering newsletter focuses on transport, including procurement strategies for transport infrastructure projects including HS2.
25 September 2013


International Taxation ; September 2013

Byrne and Carnochan have contributed articles to the September edition of International Taxation. Read 'Commercial Uses of Trusts' and 'The Enactment of a UK 'General Anti-Abuse Rule' GAAR here.
25 September 2013


Commercial Uses of Trusts

Katharina Byrne has contributed an article to the September edition of International Taxation. To find out more, read her full article, 'Commercial Uses of Trusts'. 
25 September 2013


Age, Partnerships and Undue Influence

A partner forced or coerced into putting valuable personal property into a partnership may be able to convince a court to dissolve that partnership to retrieve some or all of the value.
19 September 2013


Warranty and Indemnity Insurance and other Transaction Liability Insurance Products

Our insurance briefing covers the increased use of transaction liability insurance (TLI) products in an increasingly buoyant M&A market.
19 September 2013


Conditions for granting relief against forfeiture of shares

Cukurova Finance International Ltd and another v Alfa Telecom Turkey Ltd [2013] gives guidance on granting relief from share forfeiture appropriated under a financial collateral arrangement.

18 September 2013


A medley of administration decisions

The past quarter has seen a spate of cases on range of administration issues. Here we take a canter through some of the more topical ones.
18 September 2013


Mandatory Carbon Reporting from 1 October 2013

New burden for quoted companies in the UK to report certain greenhouse gas emissions.
18 September 2013


Transactions defrauding creditors and establishing intent

The case of Re Concept Oil Services Limited has raised several issues surrounding intention to mislead and defraud in contractual negotiations. What can we learn from the decision?
18 September 2013


Stay summary judgment to allow scheme of arrangement proposal

Was the High Court's decision to stay proceedings for summary judgment in respect of contract debts in Re Bluecrest Mercantile BV a one-off?
18 September 2013


UK Merger Control

Matthew O'Regan and Marc Shrimpling review the main jurisdictional and procedural developments in UK merger control in the past 12 months as well as coming institutional and procedural changes.
17 September 2013

The Burges Salmon blog

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