Showing 157-168 of 264 results


Concept Autumn 2014

This edition of Burges Salmon's IP and technology bulletin looks at the implications of Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Act 2014, the Creative Content UK scheme to combat internet piracy.
03 September 2014

FCA's £8.4m fine highlights risks of outsourcing

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) fined an insurance firm £8.4 million this month for failing to treat customers fairly over the sales by outsourcing companies of accident insurance.
21 August 2014

Errors on CHAPS payment requests

The courts have been considering who, if anyone, is liable to a customer when CHAPS transfers go wrong.
21 August 2014

Chancellor’s plans to make UK the 'FinTech capital of the world'

Earlier this month, at the launch of the new UK FinTech trade body ‘Innovate Finance’, Chancellor George Osborne announced his plans to make the UK “the FinTech capital of the world”.
19 August 2014

Auditing the grocery supply chain

In September 2014, the major supermarkets will present to the Groceries Code Adjudicator, Christine Tacon, their future proposals for the auditing of supplier accounts.
15 August 2014


ICO publishes 'Big Data' guidance

The Information Commissioner’s Office has published Guidance on how businesses can ensure that their use of big data is compliant with data protection law. 
13 August 2014

New prequalification questionnaire for use by central government purchasers

The Crown Commercial Service has published a new standard form public procurement prequalification questionnaire (PQQ). Our Procurement team discusses a few notable points about the questionnaire.
17 July 2014

Commission publishes Cloud Service Level Agreement Standardisation Guidelines

The European Commission has published Cloud Service Level Agreement (SLA) Standardisation Guidelines presented to it by the Cloud Select Industry Group.
17 July 2014

Adoption of new agricultural block exemption regulation and guidelines

On 25 June, the European Commission announced that it had adopted a new agricultural block exemption regulation and state aid guidelines in relation to agriculture, forestry and rural development.
27 June 2014

Late Payment of Commercial Debts Act 1998, is interest payable on an arbitration award?

The case of Martrade Shipping v United Enterprises was an appeal to the High Court from an arbitration of various charterparty disputes. Was a UK jurisdiction clause enough?
24 June 2014

EU Commission's controversial view on UK 'traffic light' labelling

The European Commission is investigating whether the UK's 'traffic light' food labelling is compatible with EU law, following Italy's complaint that it is an illegal bar to free trade.
20 June 2014

Internet browsing is not copyright infringement

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has given its judgement in the Meltwater case holding that internet browsing is not an infringement of copyright. 
17 June 2014

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