Showing 181-192 of 264 results

How do an exclusion clause and a workshare arrangement fit together?

What is the nature of the dispute that arose in relation to IT and business process services provided to the DVLA by IBM.
24 April 2014

Partnering and good faith – what does this mean?

When parties have entered into a detailed contractual arrangement, the court is reluctant to interpret the written terms in a way which might “distort” the bargain they have made.
17 April 2014

How clear do notices to terminate have to be?

Terminating contracts can be a risky business. How to avoid it backfiring and giving your counterparty the right to terminate and claim damages against you.
09 April 2014

When a contract requires you to be commercially reasonable, what do you have to do?

The basic principle that contracting parties do not automatically (ie without express contractual words) owe each other an obligation to act reasonably is still true in most cases.
01 April 2014

New role for the European Railway Agency: rolling stock certification and authorisation

On 14 March 2014, the EU Council of Transport Ministers agreed that the European Railway Agency would act as a 'one-stop shop' for safety certification and vehicle authorisation.
31 March 2014


Recent developments in private litigation, merger control, cartels and markets work

In this Briefing we consider a number of developments across different aspects of competition law, both in the United Kingdom and at the EU level.
31 March 2014


Electronic databases and liens

In the recent case of Your Response Ltd v Datateam Business Media Ltd the Court of Appeal held that it was not possible to exercise a lien over an electronic database.
31 March 2014

Endeavours and certainty

In February 2011, Andrew Olins' dream to own and drive a Bristol 405D drophead coupe looked like it was going to come true.
28 March 2014

Technology transfer agreements: new EU rules

The revised Technology Transfer Block Exemption Regulation (TTBER) and Technology Transfer Guidelines will replace the existing TTBER and Guidelines from 1 May 2014 onwards.
25 March 2014


A Quick Guide to the Common European Sales Law

On 26 February 2014, MEPs voted in the European Parliament to approve the Common European Sales Law (CESL). Here Burges Salmon gives you a quick guide to the key things you should know about the CESL.
24 March 2014


Playing fairly: the OFTs Principles for online and app-based games

The OFT has published finalised Principles for online and app-based games, addressing concerns that unfair industry-wide practices are being employed against consumers, and children in particular.
17 March 2014


Planning and infrastructure: latest developments in rail

Recent months have seen publication of key policy developments including the 'National Policy Statement', 'National Infrastructure Plan' and 'Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects'.
10 March 2014

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