Showing 241-252 of 264 results

Interesting evidence decision at the IPO

How does the IPO decide a case when the parties don't turn up? See how the IPO hearing officer dealt with this unusual question in the case of Coupling Technology Limited v Coupling Solutions LLC.
11 September 2013


NHS gets serious about procurement

A recent Department of Health report outlines how procurement strategies will be implemented across the NHS with suggestions of how to save millions in taxpayer money and better front-line services.
09 September 2013


Rail: Market Access Infraction Proceedings

This briefing explores how the European Court is clarifying national obligations under European Railway liberalisation law including charging, allocation and performance incentives.
09 September 2013


BIS consults on the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations

The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills has published amendments to the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 for consultation.
06 September 2013


State aid reform update

In this briefing we summarise the additional categories of aid that will benefit from the new General Block Exemption Regulation. We also explain how the transitional arrangements will be applied.
06 September 2013

Limits on disclosure required in bus services access litigation

A recent court decision provides a timely reminder of the limits and appropriate use of disclosure remedies in response to a competition claim brought by Arriva against London Luton Airport.
04 September 2013


All for one? Nash v Barnet LBC

A local authority has successfully defended a high-profile procurement on time limits but the Court of Appeal chose not to deal with the requirements to consult. Houlden, Jackson and Tucker consult.
03 September 2013


Network Rail funding to 2019 and beyond

The Office of Rail Regulation has published its draft determination of outputs and funding, setting a target for Network Rail reducing its overall net revenue request from £29.2bn to £27.4bn.
16 August 2013

High Court Judge urges claimants to use ADR and strikes out claim as an abuse of process

A High Court judge has struck out a claim where the claimant had already obtained full redress through the PPI ADR scheme and then issued proceedings to recover legal costs. 
15 August 2013

Successful claim for Co-operative Bank subsidiary

Burges Salmon advised Co-operative Bank subsidiary on a successful claim against a  solicitor who failed to report critical information about the structure of a residential property transaction.
14 August 2013

Supreme Court rules on ‘use by’ dates

A landmark ruling by the Supreme Court on 31 July has clarified food labelling and ‘use by’ date rules for retailers.
12 August 2013

Office of Rail Regulations: draft determination of Network Rail's CP5 outputs and funding

On 12 June 2013 the Office of Rail Regulation published its draft determination detailing the outputs expected from Network Rail for the next five year regulatory control period (CP5).
05 August 2013

The Burges Salmon blog

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