Showing 253-264 of 264 results


Quaystone newsletter ; Summer 2013

This edition of our Construction and Engineering newsletter focuses on international arbitration and also the use of “tiered” dispute resolution clauses.
05 August 2013

Challenging procurement decisions: New time limit no excuse for lacking claim details

A recent judgement (Corelogic v Bristol City Council) proves there is no leeway for late amendments in procurement challenge claims.
24 July 2013

Scottish court gives a generous interpretation of when knowledge arises to start the clock

Scottish court provides hope for lenient interpretation of the new time limit for challenging a procurement decision.
22 July 2013

Victory for Barclay brothers in battle for control of top London hotels

The Court of Appeal unanimously rejects a third claim brought by Irish property developer Mr Patrick McKillen, challenging the Barclay brothers’ attempt to control Coroin Limited. 
09 July 2013


Financier Worldwide's Antitrust & Competition Review 2013

Matthew O'Regan from our competition team contributes to Financier Worldwide Antitrust & Competition Review, providing an update on antitrust and competition law in worldwide jurisdictions.
28 June 2013

Disputes on statutory transfer schemes

Courts are currently considering the effect of a statutory transfer scheme on the rights enjoyed by the old public utilities.
20 June 2013

Early encouragement for FCA intervention

The Court of Appeal decision in R (on the application of Christopher Willford) v FSA [2012]EWHC 1417 (Admin) provides early encouragement to the FSA’s successor, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
17 June 2013


EU and UK Competition Update ; Issue 20

In our latest Competition Update, we look at merger enforcement as well as examining upcoming changes as a result of the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013.
17 June 2013


European Commission proposes changes to merger notification and review procedures

The European Commission has recently proposed a number of changes to the merger notification and review procedures. In this Briefing, we examine the principal changes proposed by the Commission.
13 June 2013

The high cost of Twitter – Lord McAlpine of West Green v Sally Bercow [2013] EWHC 1342(QB)

Latest Twitter libel judgment provides both a warning to social media users: The Lord McAlpine of West Green v Sally Bercow [2013] EWHC 1342(QB)
07 June 2013

Anti-counterfeiting – World Trademark Review

Jeremy Dickerson, Emily Roberts and Georgina Shaw from our Intellectual Property team give practical guidance and advice in World Trademark Review to rights owners managing anti-counterfeiting issues.
05 June 2013


Anti-counterfeiting - World Trademark Review

Dickerson, Roberts and Shaw from our IP team give practical guidance to rights owners seeking to protect their products. To view in full, please go to
05 June 2013

The Burges Salmon blog

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