Showing 133-144 of 261 results

A change in the balance of commercial interest requires a public contract to be tendered

Retendering "materially varied" contracts subject to the public procurement regime: what amounts to a material variation following the leading European Case Pressetext?
25 February 2015


Contract change under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015

The new Public Contracts Regulations 2015 come into effect on 26 February, changing existing procurement law. This briefing looks at the evolution of law on material changes to public contracts.
16 February 2015

New Procurement Regulations to come into force on 26 February 2015

It was announced on 6 February 2015 that the long-awaited Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/102) will come into force on 26 February 2015, replacing the Public Contracts Regulations 2006.
06 February 2015

Government response to consultation on transposition of EU Procurement Directives

On 30 January 2015 the Cabinet Office published its response to the consultation on the transposition of the new public procurement directives and the draft Public Contracts Regulations 2015.
03 February 2015

Supermarkets face fine of 1% of turnover

The Groceries Code Adjudicator, Christine Tacon, will soon be able to fine those who breach the Groceries Supply Code of Practice. 
03 February 2015


The sale by Topshop of Rihanna t-shirt does amount to passing off

The Court of Appeal has unanimously upheld the High Court decision that the sale by Topshop of a t-shirt displaying an image of Rihanna amounted to passing off.
29 January 2015

Procurement clarification on material variation and internal public authority awards

In Edenred (UK Group) Ltd v Her Majesty's Treasury, HMRC and NSI The Court ruled in favour of HM Treasury and commented on the area of material variation and direct awards to public sector bodies.
23 January 2015


Don't rely on equitable set-off

Primarius ran into cash flow difficulties supplying Bombardier with train seats for rolling stock. Bombardier agreed to provide materials as Free Issue Material to enable continued manufacture.
09 January 2015

When a conversation becomes a contract

In Bieber v Teathers, the Judge held that emails can be used to form a binding contract (whether intentional or not).
29 December 2014

The question of necessity "in implied terms"

In the spotlight: Implied terms. The Supreme Court  granted permission to appeal the Court of Appeal's decision in Marks and Spencer plc v BNP Paribas Securities Services Trust Company.
29 December 2014

Loss of profits and exclusion clauses

The High Court recently published its judgment in the case of Polypearl Ltd v E.On Energy Solutions Ltd [2014]EWHC 3045. The case was a preliminary issue on the interpretation of the exclusion clause.
19 December 2014

Consumer Rights - progress

The Consumer Rights Bill consolidates the majority of UK consumer law. We examine the detail.
16 December 2014

The Burges Salmon blog

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