Showing 217-228 of 261 results

Copyright protection for computer software - Court of Appeal holds firm

In SAS Institute Inc v World Programming Ltd, the Court of Appeal recently dismissed an appeal by SAS concerning the extent to which copyright protection can be granted to computer software.
26 November 2013

Doorstep selling regulations apply even where the customer asked for the visit

Our dispute resolution team considers the regulation surrounding cold calling and looks at the significant case of Salat v Barutis.
22 November 2013

Direct award of concessions is a breach of transparency

Our procurement team looks at the implications of two significant cases on authorities awarding concession contracts re: equal treatment and non-discrimination on the basis of nationality.
19 November 2013


New EU State aid rules for agriculture and forestry sectors

Our State Aid team examines key changes the European Commission has recently published in a draft block exemption regulation for financial support to the agriculture, forestry and rural sectors.
13 November 2013

What is reasonable notice for termination of a supply contract?

Contracts without express termination provisions and, in particular, unwritten contracts with implied terms are usually terminable on reasonable notice. So what is reasonable notice?
08 November 2013


The Competition and Markets Authority: brave new world or business as usual?

Our competition team examines the formation of the Competition and Markets Authority and the key changes, and considers their likely impact on business.
01 November 2013

Sale of goods – when a retention of title clause works

Ian Tucker from our disputes and litigation team comments on the case of Fadallah v Pollak as a sequel to Wilson v Holt from a litigation perspective.
30 October 2013

Employee losing own camera causes data protection breach

Following a data breach by the Royal Veterinary College, the ICO's office have again warned organisations of the importance of updating data protection policies to account for Bring Your Own Device.
17 October 2013

High Court confirms the position of liquidators under the Data Protection Act 1998

The High Court confirms that liquidators are not 'data controllers' under the Data Protection Act 1998 when appointed by a company following the commencement of liquidation.
17 October 2013

Copyright, Chechnya and the Internet

A unique story has come to light from Chechnya, where the country’s president, Ramzan Akhmadovich Kadyrov, was caught infringing another user’s copyright on a social networking site.
15 October 2013


Pricing restrictions under scrutiny: ensure compliance with competition law

The Office of Fair Trading and European competition authorities have taken action that may restrict retailers’ ability to set their own prices. Read our competition briefing to find out more.
14 October 2013


Copyright guidance note

Read our copyright guidance note to find out more about UK copyright, protection and infringement by third party rights under the UK Copyright Act (Copyright, Design and Patent Act 1988).
14 October 2013

The Burges Salmon blog

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