Showing 13-24 of 37 results

Healthcare and The Brexit Trade Deal

In this article we highlight some of the key issues facing those operating in the healthcare sector as the UK and EU begin the next chapter of their trading relationship
24 February 2021

Procurement Challenges: High Court reiterates the importance of getting limitation right

A recent High Court decision has reiterated the importance of challenging procurement decisions at the right time: Riverside Truck Rental Limited v Lancashire County Council
26 May 2020

How are Courts approaching commercial confidentiality?

The High Court has given further guidance on when confidentiality rings may be available to protect the commercial confidentiality of information and when they will not
30 March 2020

A to Z of construction disputes: Avoidance and resolution – Part 2: N to Z

This two-part article explains some of the key concepts that anyone involved in the construction industry needs to know in order to avoid or resolve construction disputes
28 May 2019

A to Z of construction disputes: Avoidance and resolution – Part 1: A to M

This two-part article explains some of the key concepts that anyone involved in the construction industry needs to know in order to avoid or resolve construction disputes
14 May 2019

US trade barriers: the developing impact and international response

Following the announcement of US trade tariffs on steel and aluminium, we make some observations on the impacts on supply chains and consumers of growing trade barriers.
22 June 2018

Government procurement prepares for GDPR

Public authorities and bidders need to be aware of how data protection changes introduced by GDPR will affect public procurement. 
03 January 2018

Manifest error case dismissed after seven year procedural history

The case of R (Hersi & Co Solicitors) v Lord Chancellor has finally been decided, seven years after judicial review proceedings were first issued in the Administrative Court.
16 November 2017

Procurement challenges: court guidance for authorities, bidders and procurement lawyers

Court procurement challenges are complex and often urgent. The Technology and Construction Court (TCC) has published guidance for authorities, bidders and specialist procurement lawyers.
26 July 2017

Public procurement: when is a development agreement not a public works contract?

A review of R (Faraday Development Ltd) v West Berkshire Council and another which offers guidance on how development agreements can be structured to fall outside the scope of public procurement law.
22 September 2016

Widespread errors in European procurement should lead to EU funds being withheld

There were errors in 40 per cent of the public procurement processes used to distribute EU budget funds in 2007-2014.
24 September 2015


Moseley revisited: Public Consultation may not need to set out alternative options

We look at R (Angharad Morris and Donna Thomas) v Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council which considers the scope of Moseley in the duty to give information on alternative options in consultations.
03 June 2015
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