Showing 37-48 of 82 results

Competition law and ecommerce: 'it wasn't me, it was the algorithm!'

Competition authorities are paying closer attention to the use of pricing algorithms by businesses online. This article summarises the treatment of algorithms in recent competition law cases.
26 November 2018

What makes a price excessive? The CAT weighs in on Pfizer and Flynn Pharma’s pricing

The Competition Appeal Tribunal has partially annulled the Competition and Markets Authority’s decision to fine Pfizer and Flynn Pharma for abuse of dominance by imposing excessive prices.
10 July 2018

Water regulation: Ofwat penalising Thames Water highlights key issues at PR19 and beyond

With PR19 in mind, water and sewerage undertakers will need to focus on the lessons from TMS’s experiences, particularly as regards setting ODIs, subcontracting and ongoing regulatory reporting.
10 July 2018

UK merger control changes: national security

Changes to the UK merger control thresholds have been introduced to widen the government’s jurisdiction to consider mergers with national security implications.
11 June 2018

Merger control: a reminder of the CMA risks of not going public on mergers

The CMA’s recent reference of the completed acquisition by Vanilla Group Limited of Washstation Limited is a reminder to companies of the risks of not publically announcing mergers.
31 May 2018

Company directors beware: CMA secures its second director disqualification

The Competition and Markets Authority has disqualified two company directors involved in an estate agent price-fixing cartel. We explain why businesses of all sizes need to understand competition law.
25 April 2018

Brexit and competition law: an essential summary of key competition and state aid implications

How will state aid and competition law fare after Brexit? This update provides a concise summary on where things currently stand.

16 April 2018

When are online sales restrictions OK under UK/EU competition law?

Does the ECJ's decision in Coty mark a turn in the tide as regards to online sales bans or will competition authorities continue to prohibit online restrictions as the CMA has done in Ping?
29 January 2018

FCA launches market study into wholesale insurance broker sector

The FCA launched a market study into the wholesale insurance broker sector in November 2017 and has stated that it wants to ensure the sector is working well and fosters innovation and competition.
29 January 2018

Ping fined for anti-competitive online sales restrictions

This case reinforces the importance of retailers’ ability to sell products online and comes after a string of cases where suppliers have sought to restrict retailers’ online activities.
24 November 2017

Investment consultancy probe: FCA makes first market investigation referral to CMA

The FCA has referred the investment consultancy market to the CMA for an in-depth review. This is the first time the FCA has used its powers to make such a reference.
29 September 2017

Investment platforms under FCA's competition spotlight

The FCA is launching a market study into investment platforms to assess potential competition issues, following the final report of its asset management market study.
09 August 2017
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