Showing 13-24 of 28 results

Air quality - a deciding factor in determination of housing developments

Local planning authorities may need to take air quality into account when taking decisions. Developers should properly consider air quality in their proposals and offer effective mitigation if needed
21 October 2019


Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) in a reordered world

Launching at the Constructing Excellence Conference 2018, Burges Salmon gives a view on how the perfect storm of sector restructure and the advance of MMC will combine to reshape construction.
04 December 2018

Drones: disputes, disruption and efficiency in the construction industry

Drone (UAV) technology has made major leaps forward in the past few years and presents significant opportunities for improving efficiency and reducing disputes in the construction sector.
16 July 2018

NEC4 ECC payment mechanism: contractors and project managers beware

Some of the most significant changes in the new NEC4 ECC are to the payment clauses. This article considers some of the key issues which could trip up the unwary.
13 November 2017

How to mitigate risk for large-scale infrastructure projects

Large-scale infrastructure projects present huge procurement challenges. Contracting parties can mitigate risk through careful contract drafting and negotiations.
12 October 2017

Construction disputes in complex projects: getting your dispute resolution procedure right

Complex projects raise a number of difficulties when it comes to dispute resolution. What are the key considerations and how can you best address these in your dispute resolution procedure?
28 September 2017

Favours for friends – do you owe them a duty of care?

In the case of Lejonvarn v Burgess, the Court of Appeal examined whether a party has a duty of care when providing gratuitous professional advice to a friend.
01 August 2017

Adjudication enforcement: administration is no escape route

In South Coast Construction Ltd v Iverson Road Ltd, the Technology and Construction Court found that an administration moratorium should not prevent enforcement.  
06 April 2017

Construction adjudication: "Everybody has won and all must have prizes"

Dispute Resolution Festive Forecast: the right to adjudicate construction disputes has now been enshrined in law for 20 years. What has changed? 
15 December 2016

Construction and engineering Pre-Action Protocol – revised and revitalised

The second edition of the Pre-Action Protocol for construction and engineering disputes came into force on 14 November. It aims to create a more proportionate, quicker and cheaper process. 
29 November 2016


Quaystone ; June 2015

Following the unexpected election of a majority Conservative government, in this month's newsletter we reflect on the ramifications for the construction industry.
29 May 2015


Quaystone newsletter ; September 2014

In this month's Quaystone, we focus on unconventional energy and the challenges facing those keen to develop shale gas in the UK. 
27 August 2014
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