Showing 97-108 of 223 results

Government announces plans for new carbon and energy reporting regime

A look at the government's consultation on the future of corporate reporting on emissions and energy usage after the end of the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme.
19 October 2017

Six-figure penalties for non-compliance with climate change regulations

The Environment Agency has published details of companies penalised for non-compliance with climate change regulations relating to EU ETS and CRC schemes.
05 July 2017

Contaminated land: important lessons from Secretary of State decision in Willenhall case

Developers, previous owners of contaminated sites and local authorities should all note the Secretary of State's decision in the Willenhall Gas Works contaminated land remediation notice appeal.
29 June 2017

What lessons can we learn from Tesco's £8 million fine for petrol spillage?

A multi-million pound fine for the retail giant is a sobering reminder that environmental incidents can have significant cost consequences. There are lessons here for all businesses.
21 June 2017

The government's air quality plan – ClientEarth launches fresh legal challenge

Defra's latest attempt at an air quality plan has provoked yet another challenge from ClientEarth through the courts.
02 June 2017

Meeting EU air quality standards – is the UK blowing hot and cold?

The UK has until mid-April 2017 to take action to improve its air quality. We discuss the problems facing and options available to the government. 
05 May 2017

Parliament demands urgent clarity on UK chemicals regulation post-Brexit

An inquiry by Parliament's Environmental Audit Committee concludes that the government must develop a post-Brexit plan for UK chemicals regulation without delay.
04 May 2017

Government must publish air pollution plans before general election

The High Court has ruled that the UK government must publish its draft air pollution plans on 9 May, with final publication due on 31 July.
28 April 2017

£20m fine will put environmental compliance on the boardroom table

A record environmental fine for sewage spills into the River Thames is designed to send a strong message to boards and shareholders that poor environmental governance is not acceptable.
23 March 2017

MEES: a guide to the minimum energy efficiency standard for commercial buildings

A guide for landlords, investors, developers and lenders on the new legal standard for minimum energy efficiency.
10 March 2017

Environmental Permits: Court of Appeal rejects dual regulation

The court found that activities requiring an environmental permit could not be subject to joint regulation by the Environment Agency and local authority. We explain the case and the key messages.
03 March 2017

SSAFO Regulations: is your farm compliant?

Farming businesses should check the integrity of farm infrastructure and ensure compliance with the Silage, Slurry and Agricultural Fuel Oil Regulations.
03 February 2017

The Burges Salmon blog

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