Showing 121-132 of 135 results

Does negotiated procedure allow authorities to negotiate mandatory tender requirements?

In Nordecon v Rahandusministeerium, The European Court was asked whether an authority is free to revise mandatory technical requirements included in its tender documentation.
09 December 2013

Direct award of concessions is a breach of transparency

Our procurement team looks at the implications of two significant cases on authorities awarding concession contracts re: equal treatment and non-discrimination on the basis of nationality.
19 November 2013


New EU State aid rules for agriculture and forestry sectors

Our State Aid team examines key changes the European Commission has recently published in a draft block exemption regulation for financial support to the agriculture, forestry and rural sectors.
13 November 2013

Covanta stops Merseyside Waste entering contract after six year procurement process

An unsuccessful bidder has convinced a court to stop an energy from waste contract while it resolves legal proceedings, potentially delaying the contract for at least a further two years.
10 October 2013

European Court: Are bodies funded by their members are exempt from the procurement regime?

The European Court looks at the boundaries of indirect funding in the context of a professional association for medical professionals in Germany (IVD v Artzekammer).
02 October 2013


NHS gets serious about procurement

A recent Department of Health report outlines how procurement strategies will be implemented across the NHS with suggestions of how to save millions in taxpayer money and better front-line services.
09 September 2013


State aid reform update

In this briefing we summarise the additional categories of aid that will benefit from the new General Block Exemption Regulation. We also explain how the transitional arrangements will be applied.
06 September 2013


All for one? Nash v Barnet LBC

A local authority has successfully defended a high-profile procurement on time limits but the Court of Appeal chose not to deal with the requirements to consult. Houlden, Jackson and Tucker consult.
03 September 2013


Network Rail funding to 2019 and beyond

The Office of Rail Regulation has published its draft determination of outputs and funding, setting a target for Network Rail reducing its overall net revenue request from £29.2bn to £27.4bn.
16 August 2013


Judicial Review, Public Interest Immunity and Coroners

In the latest fallout from the death of Alexander Litvinenko, the government has convinced the Administrative Court to exclude interested persons from the Judicial Review relating to document release.
30 July 2013


Losing bidders and the right to information in the procurement process

Information is power, so how much does an authority want or have to hand over following a procurement decision? The question often arises in connection with any challenge or court proceedings raised.
26 July 2013

Challenging procurement decisions: New time limit no excuse for lacking claim details

A recent judgement (Corelogic v Bristol City Council) proves there is no leeway for late amendments in procurement challenge claims.
24 July 2013
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