Showing 217-226 of 226 results

European Commission suspends European international flight regulation until April 2013

The European Union Emissions Trading System 'stop the clock' on the regulation of emissions from the aviation sector by the EU ETS as it applies to flights in and out of Europe.
23 August 2013


International emissions schemes update

Presentation slides from the International emissions schemes update, 28 May 2013.
23 August 2013


DCLG planning practice guidance on renewable and low carbon energy; what does it mean?

In July the Dept of Communities and Local Government issued new planning guidance on renewable energy intended to cover a range of onshore renewable and low carbon energy sources including wind.
12 August 2013


Environment and Energy Law ; Summer 2013

The latest edition of our Environment and Energy Law newsletter, bringing you news and updates on a wide range of issues.
25 July 2013


Webinar - Environmental issues in corporate acquisitions and disposals

These are the slides from our webinar, which looked at latest trends, how to identify environmental sticking points early on in the process and how to manage them.
23 July 2013


Webinar - Industrial Emissions Directive update

In these slides, we provide a general overview of the Industrial Emissions Directive – its aims, objectives and key features.
23 July 2013


CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme Order 2013

The Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme has been in the spotlight since its inception. This briefing focuses on key changes after the government's consultation on proposed amends.
19 July 2013


Environmentalist Online ; July 2013

With the export of waste a growth industry and regulators increasingly focusing their efforts on illegal transfers, Ross Fairley offers a reminder of the legislation and case law.
18 July 2013


In-House Lawyer article ; July 2013

The Sentencing Council has closed consultation on proposals for new guidelines for the sentencing of environmental offences. This will increase the level of fines for breaches of environmental laws.
12 July 2013


In-House Lawyer article ; June 2013

The issues of efficient heat and reducing emissions from the generation of heat are rapidly moving up the political agenda. Industry needs to watch these developments closely and be prepared.
12 July 2013

The Burges Salmon blog

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