Showing 1-9 of 9 results

Unpicking UK cannabis regulation

Piecing together the regulatory status of cannabis in the UK is not straightforward. Here we unpick the strands to summarise the current regulatory regime and what the future might offer
25 October 2019

Development plans and trigger events prevent registration of land as Town or Village Green

For landowners and developers, we consider the range of qualifying factors (or trigger events) that can apply to prevent an application to register a town or village green under the Commons Act 2006
17 July 2019

Town and village greens - protection for developers in Wales

Legislation came into force in Wales on 22 October 2018 that protects developers against TVG applications. However, protection remains more restricted in Wales than in England

17 July 2019

A to Z of construction disputes: Avoidance and resolution – Part 2: N to Z

This two-part article explains some of the key concepts that anyone involved in the construction industry needs to know in order to avoid or resolve construction disputes
28 May 2019

A to Z of construction disputes: Avoidance and resolution – Part 1: A to M

This two-part article explains some of the key concepts that anyone involved in the construction industry needs to know in order to avoid or resolve construction disputes
14 May 2019

Bank lending to the agricultural sector – legal tips for borrowers

With agricultural land values now levelling out, how can landowners keep their legal spend under control when looking to remortgage?
09 March 2017


Food, Farming and Land Quarterly – Spring/Summer 2014

The latest edition of Food, Farming and Land Quarterly, discussing current issues in the sector.
04 June 2014


Food, Farming and Land Quarterly

The latest edition of Food, Farming and Land Quarterly, discussing current issues in the sector.
27 February 2014


Food, Farming and Land Quarterly ; Summer 2013

The latest edition of Food, Farming and Land Quarterly, discussing current issues in the sector.
06 September 2013

The Burges Salmon blog

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