Showing 1-12 of 18 results

The Automated Vehicles Act 2024 receives Royal Assent

On 20 May 2024, the Automated Vehicles Act 2024 received Royal Assent – marking a significant step in regulation and adoption of the technology

20 May 2024

Automated Vehicles – the future legal framework is mapped out by the Law Commissions

The joint Law Commissions publish recommendations on legal reforms for Automated Vehicles. A new legal framework for approval and authorisation and Automated Vehicles Act is proposed
26 January 2022

Press release

Burges Salmon sponsors All-Party Parliamentary Group on Connected and Automated Mobility

With insurer AXA, the firm has supported the launch of the new APPG to promote safe deployment of self-driving technologies
27 January 2021

Press release

Burges Salmon leads pioneering legal research on automated vehicles for Capri project

The firm has produced a report on the regulatory environment for automated pods, in collaboration with the AECOM-led research consortium, Capri
21 October 2020

Highly Automated Road Passenger Services: Law Commissions analyse consultation responses

Widespread support points to the eventual creation of a new regulated mode of public transport by automated vehicles in the concept of HARPS
21 May 2020

Press release

Final VENTURER report appeals for better consumer understanding of driverless vehicles

Burges Salmon and AXA Insurance  have published the third and final VENTURER report, creating the blueprint for bringing driverless cars to the UK’s roads by 2021.
14 June 2018

Press release

Burges Salmon and AXA call for new standards to govern autonomous driving

Burges Salmon and AXA release report on the ‘handover’ of control between a human driver and an autonomous driving system and potential Impact liability.
16 April 2018

Case study

CAPRI: driving forward technological change

A consortium of 20 parties have come together under the CAPRI consortium to make driverless pods a practical reality.
29 December 2017

The European approach to driverless cars and motor insurance

Brian Wong and Anne Buhl Bjelke (of Bech Bruun) consider what the regulators and governments are doing, along with the key current and future issues, for driverless cars and motor insurance in Europe.
13 December 2017


Going Electric: the impact of electric vehicles on energy and transport infrastructure

A five-year forecast looking at the impact of electric vehicles on energy and transport infrastructure and the associated challenges and opportunities. We sum up key themes from our Highways UK panel.
04 December 2017

Government introduces the Automated and Electric Vehicles Bill

Automated and electric vehicles are back on the legislative agenda and not before time. We take a look at the latest legal proposals and where they fit into current developments.
19 October 2017

Autonomous vehicles: the future of the construction industry

Connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) have the potential to transform the construction industry.
28 July 2017
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The Burges Salmon blog

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