Showing 181-192 of 201 results

Sued for criticising a competitor’s products – malicious falsehood

Is comparative advertising worth the potential downsides?
02 December 2013

Copyright protection for computer software - Court of Appeal holds firm

In SAS Institute Inc v World Programming Ltd, the Court of Appeal recently dismissed an appeal by SAS concerning the extent to which copyright protection can be granted to computer software.
26 November 2013

New EU-wide tool to aid fight against IP piracy and counterfeiting

A new tool has been launched to strengthen the ties between IP owners and police and customs agencies. 
19 November 2013

The works of Eva Cassidy – copyright and a distribution dispute

What are the implications of Straw & Anors v Jennings, the High Court distribution and copyright dispute  concerning the late vocalist, Eva Cassidy?
18 November 2013


Casino de Monte-Carlo fails in trademark infringement and passing-off claims

Dickerson and Shaw have published an article in 'World Trademark Review Daily' on the claim by Casino de Monte-Carlo for trademark infringement and passing off, which was dismissed on both counts.
18 November 2013

Defamatory material on websites – is the website host liable?

Website operators will shortly have a defence to claims of defamation arising from statements posted by others on their sites provided they can show that they did not themselves post the statement.
14 November 2013

Can one band member claim “The Animals” trade mark?

John Steel, the former drummer of the 1960s band “The Animals”, has been refused the right to register the band name as a UK trade mark.
05 November 2013

Confirmation of a UK 'opoly' monopoly

Is Galatopoly too similar to Monopoly for use in connection with games? Would the customer be confused into thinking the games were necessarily related?
05 November 2013

Copyright, Chechnya and the Internet

A unique story has come to light from Chechnya, where the country’s president, Ramzan Akhmadovich Kadyrov, was caught infringing another user’s copyright on a social networking site.
15 October 2013


Copyright guidance note

Read our copyright guidance note to find out more about UK copyright, protection and infringement by third party rights under the UK Copyright Act (Copyright, Design and Patent Act 1988).
14 October 2013

Can you withdraw permission to use a trade mark?

Handbags? In Martin Y Paz Diffusion SA v David Depuydt, the European Court was asked whether it was possible to withdraw consent given for the concurrent use of a trade mark for leather goods.
03 October 2013

UK Fast Track Trade Mark Oppositions go live

Brand owners can use the UK Intellectual Property Office’s new fast track procedure to object to later-filed trade marks.
01 October 2013

The Burges Salmon blog

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