Showing 85-96 of 201 results

New EUIPO Common Practice Updates on Shape Trade Marks and Online Disclosure of Designs

The EUIPO has published two new Common Practices, the first relating to registrability of shape trade marks and the second relating to online design disclosure
24 April 2020

Blow for Nestlé as it fails to establish reputation of its 'ONE' trade mark

This case is a suitable reminder for brand owners when presenting evidence in support of its reputation, to cover the trade mark in its exact registered form
15 April 2020

How are Courts approaching commercial confidentiality?

The High Court has given further guidance on when confidentiality rings may be available to protect the commercial confidentiality of information and when they will not
30 March 2020

SkyKick: trade marks with broad specifications are valid unless registered in bad faith

The CJEU has held that the use of broad terms in a trade mark specification is not grounds for invalidity but a lack of intention to use the mark for those goods and services could amount to bad faith
14 February 2020

Seeing red: UK High Court holds Babybel's 'red wax' trade mark invalid

The UK IPO’s decision to invalidate the Babybel shape trade mark was upheld by the High Court due to lack of clarity and precision in the colour 'red'

13 February 2020

The CJEU examines 'genuine use' of the Green Dot 'recycling’ collective trade mark

Consumers are likely to be influenced to purchase goods where the packaging can be disposed of in an environmentally sound way, thus creating or maintaining a market share relating to those goods
30 January 2020

Artificial Intelligence ('AI'): Legal Liability Implications

The European Commission’s latest report considers emerging technologies incorporating AI and whether existing liability regimes offer adequate protection where products cause injury

30 January 2020

More brand owners face difficulties in registering and maintaining their 3D trade marks

The shapes of the Land Rover Defender, Rubik's Cube, KitKat chocolate bar and the London taxi are all well-known. However, recognition alone is insufficient for the UK and EU trade mark registries
07 January 2020

McDonald's 'Mc' mark partially revoked for lack of genuine use

McDonald’s EU trade mark ‘Mc’ was partially revoked following an application made by Irish fast food chain Supermac’s
01 October 2019

Trade marks: CJEU considers requirements for a finding of bad faith

The CJEU has clarified that there is no requirement for the later mark to cover identical or similar goods or services to the earlier mark for a finding of bad faith
24 September 2019

Charlotte Tilbury successful in copyright action against Aldi for "lookalike" makeup

The High Court has granted summary judgment in favour of Islestarr (owner of makeup brand Charlotte Tilbury) who claimed that Aldi had breached copyright in its makeup palettes
16 September 2019

Red Bull's blue/ silver colour combination trade marks remain invalid

The Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) has provided a further blow to Red Bull’s attempts to retain trade mark protection for its blue/silver colour combination as applied to drinks cans
10 September 2019

The Burges Salmon blog

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