Showing 157-168 of 294 results

CMA confirms investment consultancy reforms

The CMA has published its final report and details of remedies following its market investigation into investment consultancy and fiduciary management services.

17 January 2019

A new regulatory agenda for the pensions sector

The Pensions Regulator (TPR) and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) have announced a joint regulatory strategy to address changes to the way people save for and take their pension.
14 December 2018

Improving the quality of pension transfer advice

The FCA's Policy Statement 18/20 contains rules and guidance designed to improve the quality of advice given to consumers about converting or transferring their safeguarded benefits.
21 November 2018

Court confirms GMPs must be equalised: the landmark Lloyds bank case

The court has held that the trustees of three schemes are under a duty to amend them in order to equalise benefits for men and women in relation to the Barber window period.
02 November 2018

Pensions law and regulation timeline 2018 – 2019

We set out below some key dates in the pensions legal and regulatory reform calendar. Watch out for updates from us on these important developments.
10 October 2018


Perspectives on financial services: Pensions

Views from the pensions sector on fund consolidation, the future of DB pension schemes, the role of financial advice and pensions in the changing world of work.
04 October 2018

Pension scams: Pensions Ombudsman decision serves as a reminder to trustees

The Pensions Ombudsman has determined that the Northumbria Police Authority failed in its duty to protect one of its members by failing to conduct adequate checks on a receiving scheme. 
18 September 2018

Enforcing pension obligations: the Pensions Regulator needs a flexible time limit

We outline the argument for adding a secondary limitation period for the Pensions Regulator to issue a Contribution Notice or Financial Support Direction, its strongest enforcement measures.
24 July 2018

GDPR: what are the data protection priorities for pension trustees?

Pension scheme trustees have been working hard to towards compliance with GDPR but most still have a “to do” list. We consider the priorities.
11 July 2018

Pension trustees’ investment duties: consultation on ESG factors

The government has issued a consultation on environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations in occupational pension scheme investment.
11 July 2018

Local Government Pension Scheme: exit credit changes go ahead but New Fair Deal waits

This article looks at a key change to the LGPS following the May 2016 consultation and the government's plans to publish a further “New Fair Deal” consultation paper by the end of 2018.
22 May 2018

White paper: protecting defined benefit pension schemes

The most radical proposal is to encourage smaller DB schemes to consolidate into larger units run by commercial consolidators. This would break the insurance mould that has dominated DB to date.

19 April 2018

The Burges Salmon blog

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