Showing 61-72 of 135 results

Court provides guidance on equal treatment in procurement

NHS England has been found not to have breached the principle of equal treatment in the procurement of Hepatitis C treatments.

05 February 2019

The government's recent drive to incorporate social values into public procurement

Cabinet Office provides further update on social value in public procurement
07 December 2018

Public procurement: will the evaluation of social value become compulsory?

The UK government has announced changes to extend the scope of the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012, designed to rebuild trust after the collapse of Carillion.
13 July 2018

Public procurement: CCS launches new Public Sector Contract

CCS has launched a new Public Sector Contract designed for use in framework arrangements where the government calls off common goods and services.
10 July 2018

US trade barriers: the developing impact and international response

Following the announcement of US trade tariffs on steel and aluminium, we make some observations on the impacts on supply chains and consumers of growing trade barriers.
22 June 2018

Brexit and competition law: an essential summary of key competition and state aid implications

How will state aid and competition law fare after Brexit? This update provides a concise summary on where things currently stand.

16 April 2018

Public procurement: CCS imposes new subcontract requirements

CCS has issued a new procurement policy note requiring central government, executive agencies and NDPBs to include new contract provisions for subcontract advertising and SME spend.
13 April 2018

Procurement challenges: costs awards can be made against non-parties

Preferred bidders need to protect their interests in procurement challenges. They may choose not to be a party to the claim but they may still have to pay another party’s costs.
31 January 2018

Government procurement prepares for GDPR

Public authorities and bidders need to be aware of how data protection changes introduced by GDPR will affect public procurement. 
03 January 2018

Manifest error case dismissed after seven year procedural history

The case of R (Hersi & Co Solicitors) v Lord Chancellor has finally been decided, seven years after judicial review proceedings were first issued in the Administrative Court.
16 November 2017

Are damages available for public procurement breaches?

If public authorities make an error in evaluating a tender, what should the remedy be? UK courts and European courts have different interpretations. Where does this leave authorities and bidders?
09 November 2017

Brexit – the Trade Bill 2017

The government lays down the first steps on the UK's road to independent trade post Brexit, but reveals just how much work there is still to be done.
09 November 2017

The Burges Salmon blog

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