Showing 121-132 of 161 results

Press release

Burges Salmon acts for Infinis Energy on disposal of its hydro business

Burges Salmon has advised Infinis Energy plc on the sale of its hydro portfolio to Dwr Cymru Welsh Water and H20 Power Limited for £20.5 million which completed on 3 February.
04 February 2015

HMRC found to have made mistakes in almost half of all cases reviewed/appealed in 2013/14

HMRC's Reviews and Appeals - 2013-14 contains statistics showing the outcome of reviews and appeals against HMRC tax decisions for the year 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2014.
22 January 2015

How much can a taxpayer claim for bad tax advice?

When tax advice is misleading or fails to identify an alternative which would involve a lower payment, how much is a taxpayer entitled to be compensated? 
21 January 2015

New withholding tax exemption for private placements

The Government is currently working on plans to introduce a new withholding tax exemption for private placements of unlisted debt securities. 
16 January 2015

HMRC v Martin: tax relief awarded in bonus clawback case

Income tax paid on a bonus payment which is later clawed back by an employer can be reclaimed by the taxpayer, but only in certain circumstances.
13 November 2014

Scotland: Land and Buildings Transaction Tax

The Land and Buildings Transaction Tax is the first new tax to be raised by the Scottish Parliament in over 300 years.
22 October 2014


PAIF tension between property funds and platforms

As Property Authorised Investment Funds become more popular, the Tax Incentivised Savings Association reports growing tension about PAIF's tax advantages and platforms’ failure to support these funds.
22 October 2014

South west property tax taskforce launched

HM Revenue and Customs' HMRC has announced that a new taskforce has been launched in South Wales and the south west of England to tackle tax evasion and fraud on property taxes.
10 September 2014

Liechtenstein Disclosure Facility

HM Revenue and Customs' HMRC has announced changes to the terms of the Liechtenstein Disclosure Facility (LDF).
09 September 2014

Tackling offshore tax evasion

HMRC's latest consultation paper sets out the details of a tough new, strict liability, criminal offence of failing to declare taxable offshore income.
02 September 2014

The case of BPP University College – Applying Mitchell in the Tax Tribunal

Failure to comply with directions in the Fist-tier Tribunal can be grounds for the award of a barring order against further proceedings. 
23 July 2014

Capital Gains Tax: Principal Private Residence Relief

The “final period exemption” for Principal Private Residence Relief (PPR) has been reduced from 5 April 2014 from 36 months to 18 months.
11 July 2014

The Burges Salmon blog

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