Showing 1849-1860 of 3981 results

Compensation payments and employment income: drawing the line

The First-tier tribunal decides whether a payment to a non-salaried judge in respect of historic underpayments of his fees was compensation or taxable as employment income in Pettigrew v HMRC.
25 June 2018

FCA update: periodic financial information and inside information

The FCA has launched a consultation on a proposed update to the existing technical note on periodic financial information and inside information
25 June 2018

US trade barriers: the developing impact and international response

Following the announcement of US trade tariffs on steel and aluminium, we make some observations on the impacts on supply chains and consumers of growing trade barriers.
22 June 2018

Corporate governance and strategic reporting requirements for large private companies

Large private companies are likely to be subject to new corporate governance reporting requirements and will also be required to include a new section 172(1) statement in their strategic report.
18 June 2018

Pay ratios: new reporting requirements

The government has published draft legislation intended to impose new reporting obligations on boards. UK listed companies will now have to publish and justify their pay ratio annually.

18 June 2018


Perspectives on infrastructure: Delivering the Industrial Strategy

Views from industry leaders and key decision makers on how the public and private sectors can work together to deliver the government's Industrial Strategy.
15 June 2018

Press release

Final VENTURER report appeals for better consumer understanding of driverless vehicles

Burges Salmon and AXA Insurance  have published the third and final VENTURER report, creating the blueprint for bringing driverless cars to the UK’s roads by 2021.
14 June 2018

Employment status: Supreme Court confirms that ‘self-employed’ plumber was a worker

In Pimlico Plumbers Ltd v Smith the Supreme Court has held that a plumber who worked under a self-employed contract, was in fact a worker, entitling him to various employment rights.

13 June 2018

Press release

Burges Salmon advises Northampton Borough Council on new environmental services contract

Following a competitive bidding process, Northampton Borough Council has awarded its new environmental services contract to Veolia.
12 June 2018

Press release

Burges Salmon re-accredited with Investors in People Gold Standard

Burges Salmon is pleased to announce that it has been re-awarded Gold accreditation against the new Investors in People Standard.
12 June 2018

UK merger control changes: national security

Changes to the UK merger control thresholds have been introduced to widen the government’s jurisdiction to consider mergers with national security implications.
11 June 2018

Implied terms in building contracts: obtaining planning permissions/consents

In Clin v Walter Lilly & Co Ltd a term was implied into a building contract allocating responsibility for obtaining planning permissions to the employer.
07 June 2018

The Burges Salmon blog

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