Showing 2413-2424 of 3981 results

Workers on boards: next steps

If the government moves ahead with its proposals what options could it consider and how could those changes be introduced?
16 November 2016

1975 Act: claims against estates are on the rise

Our disputes partner Kevin Kennedy answers some questions on how claims against estates come about, and what can be done about them.
16 November 2016

Recovering overpayment of pension

Trustees who have overpaid pension should give early consideration to legal steps to protect their right to recover the excess.
16 November 2016

Fiduciaries, forfeiture and profit share

We look at the recent case of Hosking where a retiring LLP member was forced to forfeit significant profit share due to breaches of his fiduciary obligations.
16 November 2016

The myth of the common law spouse

Some people remain unaware that living together (or “cohabitation”) does not give a couple any legal status, no matter how long they have been together or whether they have children.
16 November 2016

Simplification of National Insurance Contribution – the latest news

On 14 November 2016 the OTS published its second report on the alignment of NIC with income tax.
15 November 2016

New counter fraud guidance issued for food and drink businesses

New guidance has been issued by the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health to help businesses address fraud within the food and drink industry. The guide sets out 7 steps businesses should adopt.
15 November 2016

Update for residential landlords

Changes from April 2017 will mean that income tax relief is to be restricted to the basic rate of tax on borrowing costs for the owners of let residential property.
14 November 2016

Extra SDLT on second homes

From 1 April 2016 an additional 3% premium on top of the existing SDLT rates is payable by buyers of a second residential property.
14 November 2016

Perfect harmony? The EU succession regulations

On 17th August 2015 new EU Succession Regulations came into force. These new regulations bind all 27 EU member states except for the UK, Ireland and Denmark so do we need to be concerned with them?
14 November 2016

FCA confirms the first 24 business-cohort in the Regulatory Sandbox

Four months after the 8 July deadline for applications, the FCA has announced the lucky winners due to start testing as the first cohort of the Regulatory Sandbox.
11 November 2016

Beware of your intentions when declaring dividends

In BTI 2014 LLC v. Sequana SA & Others [2016], the High Court has held that a dividend can be challenged as a transaction defrauding creditors under section 423 of the Insolvency Act 1986.
11 November 2016

The Burges Salmon blog

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