Showing 2521-2532 of 3981 results

The Serious Fraud Office has its second deferred prosecution agreement approved

The SFO has had its second DPA approved in respect of an offence under the Bribery Act 2010. This DPA sheds further light onto how such agreements are likely to work in the future.
25 August 2016

ATED CGT and Non-Resident CGT – FAQs

This article focuses on common questions about ATED-related CGT and Non-Resident CGT which may be relevant to anyone de-enveloping structures in the coming months in light of the 2017 IHT changes.
25 August 2016

Getting cyber security shipshape: Code of Practice issued for ports and port facilities

The Department for Transport and Maritime and Coastguard Agency has released a Code of Practice on cyber security for ports and port facilities.
25 August 2016


New F1 Regulations attempt to inject some competition

Thomas Webb summarises the recently announced changes to the Formula One Grand Prix regulations for 2017 and explores their potential impact on the smaller teams and the sport in general.
24 August 2016

2017 non-domiciled reforms going ahead

Our first thoughts on the long-awaited HM Treasury Consultation document on the tax changes proposed for non-doms which are still scheduled to go ahead in April 2017.
24 August 2016

REACH, chemicals regulation and the referendum vote

We consider the implications of the UK's referendum vote for the chemicals sector.
23 August 2016

Facebragging: social media engagement leading to real life divorce

The new trend call "Facebragging" is beginning to contribute to an increased number of marital breakups¸ with people feeling under pressure to maintain a perfect image across social media.
19 August 2016

Dealing with agricultural debts in the current climate

How can agricultural businesses, with their focus on long-term relationships, manage debts in the current economic climate?
19 August 2016

Duty to report on Payment Practices due in April 2017

The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy suggest that the duty for large companies to publish reports on payment practices is now due April 2017.
19 August 2016


Authorised Fund Horizons – Summer 2016

The Summer edition of our newsletter provides a practical guide to legal and regulatory developments in the UK authorised funds sector.
18 August 2016

HMRC publishes new Spotlight 32

HMRC "spotlights" represent its list of targeted tax avoidance schemes which taxpayers and employers need to be aware of. The latest spotlight is part of HMRC's focus on "managed service companies".
17 August 2016

D&J Grant v HMRC: input tax recovery on partial payment denied

In D&J Grant v HMRC input tax recovery was denied on partial payment for goods that were never delivered. A clear case of "buyer beware".
17 August 2016

The Burges Salmon blog

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