Showing 3241-3252 of 4085 results


Shared grid connections ; Do they work?

The prospect of shared grid connections for energy generating facilities has become a hot topic in recent months with increasing pressure on grid capacity and more projects wanting to connect.
17 March 2015


Landlords and tenant alert: minimum energy efficiency standard for commercial buildings

In House Lawyer article - February 2015: The government is expected to produce draft regulations to introduce a new minimum energy efficiency standard for non-domestic and domestic rented buildings.
16 March 2015

Wyatt v Vince: First bite of the cherry?

Will the Supreme Court’s decision in Wyatt v Vince see fewer parties attain ‘closure’ at the end of a divorce? 
13 March 2015

Employment Edit – what's new in employment law

Gender pay data reporting; a helpful EAT decision for employers in relation to disability discrimination; the Fit for Work referral service roll out; and more…
12 March 2015

Employers to publish gender pay gap data

UK employers with 250 or more employees will have to publish gender pay data now that the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act has become law.
12 March 2015


REACH: AG opinion on SVHCs in articles

General Kokott's recent opinion on articles assembled (Court of Justice of the European Union) is contrary to current ECHA guidance and may burden product manufacturers, importers and suppliers.
12 March 2015


Public Companies: Cancellation schemes of arrangement not available on takeovers

Recent changes mean public company takeovers cannot use cancellation schemes of arrangement. New regulations prohibit share capital reduction where the scheme is to acquire all company shares.
12 March 2015

Press release

Burges Salmon shortlisted for Private Client Team of the Year at legal sector awards

Burges Salmon' Private Client team has been shortlisted in the Private Client Team of the Year category at the forthcoming Legal Business Awards 2015.
11 March 2015

Press release

Burges Salmon shortlisted as London Law Firm of the Year at Citywealth Magic Circle Awards

Burges Salmon's private client team has been shortlisted in the Law Firm of the Year – London category at the forthcoming Citywealth Magic Circle Awards 2015.
11 March 2015


CDM 2015

New CDM Regulations came into force on 6 April 2015, with a new CDM regime applying to virtually everyone in the UK who procured or provided construction works and services of any significance.
11 March 2015

TOGC treatment denied by Upper Tribunal if a tenant is introduced by the buyer

The Upper Tribunal has dismissed HMRC's appeal against the first tier tribunal's decision in HMRC v Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Healthcare & Coleridge
10 March 2015

FTT ruling reversed as veranda sales for static caravans are zero-rated for VAT

The Upper Tribunal (UT) has found In Colaingrove Limited v HMRC [2015] UKUT that supplies of verandas when sold with static caravans are zero-rated for VAT.
10 March 2015

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