Showing 2461-2472 of 3950 results

JCT 2016 Edition: what does the Minor Works Contract tell us about what's in store?

The remaining tranches of the JCT 2016 Edition seem likely to be published in short order. We review the Minor Works suite and highlight key themes which look set to run throughout.
28 September 2016

Press release

Burges Salmon hires legal apprentices

Five legal apprentices have joined the firm as part of the cross-party Trailblazers initiative.
26 September 2016

Public procurement: when is a development agreement not a public works contract?

A review of R (Faraday Development Ltd) v West Berkshire Council and another which offers guidance on how development agreements can be structured to fall outside the scope of public procurement law.
22 September 2016

Press release

Burges Salmon advises Kinneir Dufort shareholders on strategic management buyout

The firm's corporate experts advised shareholders of the leading product design company on all legal aspects of the transaction. 
21 September 2016

Beneficial ownership – the PSC regime and beyond

Transparency is back on the agenda as the government consults on the broadening of the requirement to disclose beneficial ownership information. 
21 September 2016

Service of notices under the Agricultural Holdings Act 1986

The limited circumstances in which Agricultural Holdings Act 1986 tenancies can be terminated means notices need to be right first time. Will you avoid the most common pitfalls?
19 September 2016

Will we see more shareholder activism following Brexit?

The UK M&A market is now seemingly more attractive to overseas investors who can benefit from the combined effect of market volatility and sterling weakness.
16 September 2016

Rebecca Stayton v HMRC: when can you trade in property without an intention to do so?

The First Tier Tribunal has held that it is possible to acquire and sell a property as part of a taxpayer’s trade, without that taxpayer having an intention to trade.
16 September 2016


Discrimination risks: requirement to speak English at work and dress codes

The requirement to speak English at work and dress codes at work are policy areas where employers should tread carefully to avoid discrimination. Deborah Bulman considers recent legal controversies.
15 September 2016

IFRS 16 – avoid borrower defaults

Borrower debt levels are to increase following a change in accounting standards. What should lenders be doing now to avoid Events of Default being inadvertently triggered under facility agreements?
15 September 2016

The role of HR during disciplinary investigations

In Dronsfield v University of Reading, the EAT has re-examined the role of HR in investigations and disciplinary proceedings - a topic currently under the spotlight in Employment Tribunals.
12 September 2016

Press release

Burges Salmon helps Young Bristol improve facilities at children's outdoor pursuits centre

Members of the firm's Employment and Operations teams will join forces with one of Bristol's leading youth charities to develop its outdoor pursuits centre at Kingcott Farm
09 September 2016

The Burges Salmon blog

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