Showing 2701-2712 of 3950 results

New Utilities and Concession Contracts Regulations

The Utilities Contracts Regulations 2016 (“UCR”) and the Concession Contracts Regulations 2016 (“CCR”) were laid before Parliament on 17 March and will come into force on 18 April 2016.
21 March 2016

Press release

Burges Salmon advises Mean Moor on development and financing of Cumbrian wind farm

Burges Salmon has advised Mean Moor Wind Farm Ltd on the development and financing of a wind farm in Cumbria.
18 March 2016


Wrangling with TUPE in procurement documents

Bidders and purchasers should ensure they understand employment law ramifications of what goes into a bid document to avoid information and consultation obligations and costly penalties.
18 March 2016

ECHA Decision Successfully Challenged by Lead Registrant

A decision taken by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has been annulled by ECHA’s Board of Appeal on the basis that it breaches several “cornerstones” of the REACH Regulation.
18 March 2016


2016 Budget - Energy efficiency

In the 2016 Budget, the Chancellor has pledged to abolish the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) and replace it with an increase in the Climate Change Levy (CCL).
17 March 2016


Budget 2016 - Incentives and employment tax update

The March 2016 Budget contained a host of changes for employers. This briefing note summarises the key provisions employers need to be aware of in relation to incentives.
17 March 2016

Sugar tax: what you need to know

George Osborne has used his latest budget to announce a sugar tax to be imposed on the soft drinks industry in two years’ time.
17 March 2016

Why all businesses need to be aware of the new Waste Duty of Care Code of Practice

Everyone who produces waste has a “duty of care” over that waste. Defra and the Environment Agency have published an updated Code of Practice on how to comply with this legal duty of care.
17 March 2016

Budget 2016 Update: Additional 3% SDLT on additional residential properties

The proposed 3% higher rate of SDLT on additional residential properties will come into effect from 1 April 2016.
17 March 2016

Easinghall Ltd v HMRC

In the case of Easinghall Ltd v Revenue and Customs Commissioners, the exact question that was being asked was crucial.
16 March 2016

Julian Nott v Commissioners for HMRC [2016] – trading or property income?

Property income and trading income are taxed under different provisions of the tax code. This can sometimes have practical implications for the taxpayer.
16 March 2016

Impact of new tax rules on BEPS?

New tax regulations dealing with the issue of BEPS (Base Erosion and Profit Shifting) may have a disproportionate impact on the real estate development sector as they are implemented in the UK.
15 March 2016

The Burges Salmon blog

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